Trout in the Classroom Summer Reminders

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Alexander, Nicole

Aug 7, 2023, 1:38:24 PM8/7/23
to,,, Education Office

Dear NYC and Watersheds teachers and educators,


Hope you are having a great summer break so far. I’m sending out a quick reminder that the Watershed Agricultural Council Field Trip Grant application is due this Friday, August 11 by 5 pm. This grant can help fund transportation for your spring trout release field trip. Find out more information and apply on the website.


When you get a chance, please also go ahead and register to participate in the TIC Fall Conference on October 12 and/or the 2023-24 school year. If you are interested in leading a workshop at the conference, please let me know. We offer a $200 stipend for workshop leads.


Enjoy the rest of your summer!  




Nicki Alexander | Trout in the Classroom Program Coordinator | NYC Environmental Protection

(o) 718.595.5101 | (m) 646.847.4004 | 


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