Second call for participation: Enzo/Enzo-E workshop May 8-11, 2023

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Michael Norman

Apr 12, 2023, 4:40:33 PM4/12/23

Dear users and developers of Enzo and Enzo-E. We will be holding a 4-day workshop at the San Diego Supercomputer Center May 8-11, 2023. The workshop website is live for registration and booking your hotel room at a reduced rate. As the workshop is only a month away, and the hotel room block expires on 4/15/23  please register as soon as possible and reserve your room at the Sheraton La Jolla.


A few things to note:

·         The workshop is for developers and users of both the Enzo and Enzo-E variants of the code. Please register right away to tell us you’re coming. That will help us shape the program to meet your needs and interests.

·         If you would like to give a short talk about your research using Enzo or Enzo-E (strongly encouraged), indicate that on the registration form.

·         A block of rooms has been reserved at the Sheraton La Jolla at a discounted rate. Reserve your room on the workshop website by 4/15/23 to be sure to get one. The reservation form has you checking out on 5/11. If you want stay an additional night, checking out 5/12 email Mike Norman (

·         Travel stipends of $500 (students only) and $300 (everyone else) are available to offset the cost of the hotel. You can request those using a form on the workshop website.  

·         We will tour the SDSC data center and see the 6-petaflop Expanse supercomputer.

·         The workshop dinner will be Tuesday evening at the Rockin’ Baja Lobster restaurant in Old Town San Diego. Please indicate your interest in participating on the registration form as we need a head-count to make the reservation.


We look forward to seeing you in San Diego in a month!


For the scientific organizing committee:

Mike Norman, Brian O’Shea, Greg Bryan, John Wise, Molly Peeples

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