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*[Enwl-eng] Beirut: Blast spread toxic waste; families seek probe

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Aug 19, 2020, 8:58:17 AM8/19/20
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Russia seeks summit after Iran sanctions push rejected | UN envoy lauds consensus on Bolivian election date | OHCHR probes hunger strike by indigenous people in Chile
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August 17, 2020
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The United Nations Development Programme is working with experts to examine the environmental effects of the deadly blast in the port of Beirut, Lebanon, warning that the ammonium nitrate explosion released a large amount of toxic waste into the city and possibly the Mediterranean sea. Families of people killed in the blast are asking the UN Security Council to investigate, saying they do not trust Lebanese authorities -- who they believe to be responsible -- to investigate the incident.
Full Story: Voice of America (8/16),  Arab News (Saudi Arabia) (8/15) 
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United Nations
President Vladimir Putin of Russia has proposed a summit between the United States and members of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, warning against the escalation of tensions following the defeat of a US draft resolution to extend sanctions on Iran. Only the US and the Dominican Republic voted in favor of the extension, with Russia and China opposing and the remaining 11 Security Council members abstaining.
Full Story: Reuters (8/14),  The Associated Press (8/14) 
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Health & Development
A team from the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has been dispatched to Chile, where members visited prisons and a hospital at which indigenous Mapuche prisoners are engaging in a hunger strike. Mapuche leader Celestino Cordova says he is protesting a court decision to keep him in prison despite the pandemic.
Full Story: Reuters (8/15) 
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Women & Girls
Increasingly strict sentencing for low-level drug crimes is driving up the number of women incarcerated after being tricked or coerced into trafficking drugs, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights warns. A significant number of the female prisoners in Asia are poor women with low levels of education, who were drawn into trafficking by men promising money or romance.
Full Story: CNN (8/17) 
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Climate and Energy
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned against politicizing access to an ailing oil tanker off the Yemen coast, urging Houthi rebel leaders to allow UN officials aboard to assess the situation and arrange for the ship to be moved. "A spill would have catastrophic environmental and humanitarian consequences, including destroying livelihoods and shutting down Hodeida port, a vital lifeline for millions of Yemenis who depend on commercial imports and humanitarian aid," says UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric.
Full Story: Voice of America (8/15),  Xinhua News Agency (China) (8/14) 
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Thousands of workers in Belarus continue to march in the streets calling for President Alexander Lukashenko to step down after 26 years in office. UNICEF has voiced alarm over authorities' response to the protests, noting that police are using excessive force against protesters and many children have been detained.
Full Story: The Associated Press (8/17),  Macau Business (Macao)/Agence France-Presse (8/15) 
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UNDP to support economic recovery in Beirut
Full Story: UN News (8/14) 
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"Polio vaccination campaigns have resumed in Afghanistan and Pakistan - the last two countries where the crippling disease has a foothold - after a reported "surge" in cases."
Full Story: UN Dispatch (8/14) 
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The @UN's @ZainabHawa shares with me the story of her remarkable life from growing up in extreme poverty in Sierra Leone to become a humanitarian devoted to save others. 

Listen to the new episode of Awake At Night. I am sure Zainab will inspire you too.

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From: UN Wire
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2020 12:22 AM
Subject: Beirut: Blast spread toxic waste; families seek probe

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