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*[Enwl-eng] Animal sanctuaries can no longer afford to feed rescued critters

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Dec 31, 2020, 7:57:11 AM12/31/20
to "ENWL-uni"
Without immediate government help, life-saving animal sanctuaries across the world will shut down. Demand urgent funding now!
Sign Now


There's never been a more important time for wildlife sanctuaries to exist in our world. With the COVID-19 pandemic causing economic hardship across the globe, few people can afford to feed their animals. Pet owners, roadside zoos, and farming companies alike are now dumping abandoned animals outside the doors of many sanctuaries. But since tourism and donations have all but dried up, countless rescue organizations around the world may have to close their doors.

A major wildlife sanctuary in Kent, England that tends to 1,300 abandoned and rehabilitated animals is worried it won't be able to afford food for the animals or payments for veterinary care. In Thailand, the Wildlife Friends Foundation is seeing a huge uptick in monkeys, elephants, and bears being surrendered to their organization — but since the pandemic started, 80% of their funding has disappeared. While roadside zoos, circuses, and even pet owners are free to just give up on their animals and toss them to the nearest rescue operation when hardship hits, sanctuaries are those rescue operations. Sign the petition to demand that international governments provide emergency funding for these life-saving animal sanctuaries now!

Thank you for all that you do,


Miranda B.
The Care2 Petitions Team


P.S. When global recessions hit, rescued animals don't suddenly stop needing food, water, and veterinary care, all of which continue to cost real money. Tell world leaders to help animal sanctuaries survive!, Inc.
203 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 230
Redwood City, CA 94065

Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2020 8:04 PM
Subject: Animal sanctuaries can no longer afford to feed rescued critters


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