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*[Enwl-eng] Follow the money

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Nov 6, 2020, 12:29:25 PM11/6/20
to "ENWL-uni"

Turning off the money tap to dirty fossil fuels

Fossil Free Digest

Dear Vladimir,

We know that the fight for climate justice continues even as we grapple with recovery from the COVID pandemic and wait for U.S. election outcomes that could determine global climate policies for years to come. We also know we're not just fighting the fossil fuel industry - we’re going to have to take down the systems that enable it. 

Turning off the money tap to dirty fossil fuel projects means tracing it back to the companies, financial institutions and rich governments that fund them. 

We’ve seen some amazing stories of wins against the institutions that fuel climate breakdown - and we want the wins to keep coming.

Thanks for helping us keep an eye on our banks, insurers and government officials, it’s going to take all of us!


Drue and Nona


Elections in the U.S.: The day after polls closed for the U.S. presidential elections, the United States legally left the Paris Climate Agreement. People across the country are working to ensure that democracy is upheld and that all votes are counted. It’s undeniable that climate change has been an issue of importance for people in the US. The next four years play a critical role in the fight to tackle the climate crisis. Read more.

Storytelling toolkit: In the face of the climate crisis, we need storytellers around the world to communicate their realities, their victories, and their hopes. Which is why we created the Climate Digital Storytelling toolkit. This new resource will help storytellers find their story, learn to use the tools and resources available to them and strategically share these stories with the rest of the world. We’ll also be launching soon a new storytelling community for anyone who wants to share their creativity to help support climate campaigning. Download here.


Stop Adani: After some incredible people power from the Stop Adani Movement and 350 Pacific, another insurance company publicly stated they will not support the Adani coal mine in Australia. That's the 17th Lloyd's insurer to rule out Adani! If built, Adani’s proposed Carmichael mine will be a massive carbon bomb that would be disastrous for the climate and communities. Read more.

Cancel the debt: Debt created from funding fossil fuel projects is completely illegitimate and should not be repaid. This money does not go to positive social projects but to the pockets of fossil fuel CEOs and finances climate breakdown. Last month, participated in the Global Week of Action for Debt Cancellation. Alex Lenferna of 350 Africa explains how, decades after its official end, colonialism has morphed into unpayable debt, resource exploitation and funding for a dark age of dirty fossil fuels. Read more.

Omnibus LOL: Protests took place in dozens of cities in Indonesia after the Omnibus Law was approved by the House of Representatives, with more than 1,000 people arrested. The controversial law will cut labour and environmental regulations, so corporations can attract foreign investments and capital. It is sloppy, haphazard and dangerous, and you can stand in solidarity with the people of Indonesia fighting for their rights here.


Two years after the publication of a crucial climate report (The IPCC 1.5°C special report), world leaders are still failing to take sufficient action on the climate crisis. In 2018, the study confirmed that limiting the rise in global temperatures to 1.5°C would be significantly better than breaching the 2°C threshold. This called for a definitive stop to fossil fuel use and a rapid transition to energy systems based on 100% renewable energy. Two years later, it’s time for a climate reality check! There’s some good news and some bad news - this video shares 6 new facts you need to know. Watch.


The French giant TOTAL wants to drill for dirty oil in the Arctic - and they’re about to get public money from the French government to do it. Ironically, France is hosting the “Finance in Common” summit this November, where public development banks will talk about responding to “COVID and climate change.” French president Emmanuel Macron will be there and we want him to champion a true just recovery and turn off the money tap to TOTAL. Email him today.

That's all from us - stay safe and see you next issue!



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Sent: Friday, November 06, 2020 6:17 PM
Subject: Follow the money


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