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*[Enwl-eng] How scientists are tackling antibiotic resistance

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Nov 22, 2023, 8:05:36 AM11/22/23
to "ENWL-uni"
Plus: music to be heard after 250 years ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

Global Edition - Today's top story: Antibiotic resistance: microbiologists turn to new technologies in the hunt for solutions – podcast View in browser


Global Edition | 20 November 2023

The Conversation
The Conversation

The rise of drug-resistant infections is one of the biggest global threats to health, food security and development. Antibiotic-resistant superbugs were estimated to kill 1.27 million people in 2019, and the UN projects that drug-resistant diseases could cause 10 million deaths a year by 2050.

In this episode of The Conversation Weekly podcast, we hear from Fron Jackson-Webb, Deputy Editor and Senior Health Editor of our Australian edition, about the issue and some of the experts she has commissioned as part of a special series. We also speak to a microbiologist at a hospital in Nigeria working on the frontlines against antibiotic resistance, and find out about the new scientific techniques, including artificial intelligence (AI), being deployed to find new potential antibiotics.

Gemma Ware

Editor and Co-Host, The Conversation Weekly Podcast

Testing for antimicrobial resistance in the lab. AnaLysiSStudiO via Shutterstock

Antibiotic resistance: microbiologists turn to new technologies in the hunt for solutions – podcast

Gemma Ware, The Conversation

From the frontline battle against antibiotic resistance in Nigeria, to the techniques being used to find new antibiotics. Listen to The Conversation Weekly podcast.

The music room of the Ospedaletto is known for its remarkable acoustics. Marica S. Tacconi

Music painted on the wall of a Venetian orphanage will be heard again nearly 250 years later

Marica S. Tacconi, Penn State

On the wall of an orphanage in Venice, a musicologist encountered a fresco featuring an aria written for an opera. She’s since embarked on a project to bring this forgotten music back.

Joaquin Phoenix as Napoleon. Courtesy of Apple

Did Napoleon really fire at the pyramids? A historian explains the truth behind the legends of Ridley Scott’s biopic

Joan Tumblety, University of Southampton

Here are the truths behind some of the major scenes from Ridley Scott’s new Napoleon biopic.

The Conversation

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Subject: How scientists are tackling antibiotic resistance

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