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*[Enwl-eng] Horrific violence against animals has increased during the pandemic

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Jan 4, 2021, 12:22:43 PM1/4/21
to "ENWL-uni"
As the pandemic continues, people are turning their rage and frustration against innocent animals. Tell the government to step in!
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The pandemic has taken an immense psychological toll on all of us. Unfortunately, for some individuals, this sense of powerlessness, frustration, and rage has translated to violence and abuse — both against people and pets. Rates of animal cruelty are skyrocketing in the U.S. In one area of the country, Washington state's King County, home of Seattle, prosecutors are horrified by what they've seen. In 2020, the number of animal cruelty cases they've filed has jumped 150% compared with the previous two years. One official says the incidents of horrific animal neglect and abuse she's seen during the pandemic are worse than anything else from her entire 20-year-long career.

Cats being tied up to bikes and dragged along pavement, or in some cases drowned; dogs being strangled with wire or asphyxiated with duct tape. In one case, an animal shelter saved upwards of 220 pets from a home filled with countless other dead animals. All these officials agree on one thing: the increased stress and fear caused by a deadly pandemic outside has created so much pressure, people can no longer cope. As mental health deteriorates at unprecedented rates across the world, people's anxiety and anger is only going to get worse. The answer is clear: we need urgent mental health care for humans, now. Tell members of Congress that they must include extensive mental health provisions in the next round of relief funding!

Thank you,


Miranda B.
The Care2 Petitions Team


P.S. To save our animal friends, we have to get humans the mental health assistance they need. Demand that Congress include massive funding for mental health services in the next COVID-19 stimulus package!, Inc.
203 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 230
Redwood City, CA 94065

Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2021 12:22 PM
Subject: Horrific violence against animals has increased during the pandemic

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