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*[Enwl-eng] Fw: Positive news - 03.01

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Jan 4, 2021, 12:26:02 PM1/4/21
to "ENWL-uni"

неугомонный Свет затеял себе новое "развлечение" - рассылку англоязычных дайджестов, состоящих из позитивных новостей (негативных у всех с избытком).
Первый адресат - рассылка призеров Голдмановской премии: это уже много более 100 активистов со всех континентов. Первый дайджест - ниже.
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От: Svet Zabelin <>
Date: пн, 4 янв. 2021 г. в 07:25
Subject: Positive news - 03.01
Dear friends, the question - what we together can do in this changing world have a simple answer. Let us to exchange by positive news from around the world regularly. I am starting. Be healthy and happy. Svet Zabelin-Europe-1993.

Digest for January 01-03, 2021.



Despite a difficult year, for the project he was very active!

This year, there are almost three times more points on our map! Now we have 10759 in 80 regions of the Russian Federation. Among them: vegetarian and vegan cafes, shops with eco-goods, shops "without packaging", organizations for the collection and processing of recyclable materials, "green" vacancies, sharing services, environmental events, "green" routes, etc. This year we launched webinars about eco-friendly lifestyle and live broadcasts with representatives of "green" business. During the year, 23 broadcasts and webinars were held.


Fridays For Future - the end of 2020. We stood up for people's rights to clean air. Krasnoyarsk was then expressed solidarity by activists from all over Russia! After our action and Greta's retweet, the local authorities of Krasnoyarsk reacted! FFF pickets were also held in Kuzbass – the main coal region of the country! We took part in an eco-march in Moscow. Then we, along with the whole country, went online. We started holding themed Fridays. We made a video demanding to stop the fire and save our forests! We talked about the "norm", which led us to the current crises. We organized webinars with experts. People began to forget about the plastic crisis, but we reminded them! We supported the Green Exchange Rate program and held a bright campaign for climate with Greenpeace! They made a cool video about us.


The design of the natural park "Crane Land" in the north of the Moscow region was successfully completed by the PF "Verkhovye" together with partners from the ecological and educational center "Crane Homeland". During the work, a comprehensive environmental survey of the territory was carried out and a complete set of necessary materials was developed to create this specially protected natural area. Further coordination of the prepared materials with all instances will be carried out. The future nature park is located in the Taldomsky and Sergiev Posad city districts of the Moscow region, its area according to preliminary proposals is more than 103 thousand hectares. It includes natural complexes of forests, meadows and swamps of the Upper Volga Lowland, which play an important water conservation role and are habitats of protected species of flora and fauna. Here are several of the largest in the region of upland and transitional swamps, swampy black alder forests.


United States

When European settlers arrived in North America, savannas of tall pine trees with long needles covered much of what became the southern United States. But then, by the 1990s, logging and clear-cutting for farms and agricultural development had almost completely destroyed the long-leaved pines and pastures where hundreds of plant and animal species flourished. Restore long-leaved pine took the defender of the forest. At the moment, the revival of long-leaved pine under the auspices of Rhett Johnson is being carried out by landowners, government agencies and non-profit organizations in nine coastal states from Virginia to Texas. Under the cultivation of this species of conifers, an area of 19,000 square kilometers is allocated, and more than a quarter of them have been planted since 2010. "I would like to say that we have saved the long-leaved pine from extinction, and perhaps with it many species of animals and insects living in the neighborhood of these trees. After all, with the loss of habitat, almost 30 of them are at risk of extinction", said Rhett Johnson.



From January 1, a ban on the export of non-recyclable plastic waste from the European Union will come into force. Under the new rules, only garbage that can be disposed of is allowed to be sent to States outside the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The European Commissioner for the environment Virginijus Sinkevicius said: "These new rules clearly show that the European Union takes seriously the responsibility we bear for the garbage we generate. This is an important step in the fight against environmental pollution from plastic waste, in the transition to a closed-loop economy and in achieving the goals outlined in the "Green Pact for Europe".


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Sent: Monday, January 04, 2021 8:35 AM
Subject: Fwd: Positive news - 03.01

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