*[Enwl-eng] Strengthening rainforest defenders – for biodiversity, the climate and human rights

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Feb 6, 2024, 12:29:35 PMFeb 6
to "ENWL-uni"

TEST Tanzania +++ Real Zero +++ Mob of landowners and militia kill Indigenous leader +++ Debunking the trophy hunting lobby’s lies
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Working together for the rainforest
Rainforest Rescue

Strengthening rainforest defenders – for biodiversity, the climate and human rights

Dear friends of the rainforests,

There is much that we can do here – in the global North – to protect the rainforests: We can live greener, sign petitions, exert political pressure and donate to the right causes. But the hard, often dangerous, hands-on work is done by activists in the global South.

We’re proud to work closely with more than 50 grassroots organizations in Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia. We provide them with funding, a network of like-minded groups, and a platform with global reach to raise awareness of their local projects.

Our partners are fearless and relentless. Confronting poachers, wildcat miners, illegal loggers, corrupt politicians and shady business interests is all in a day’s work for them. In conservation, their work is where the rubber meets the road.

From time to time, we’d like to introduce you to some of our partners’ projects.

We’re kicking things off with Traditional Ecosystems Survival Tanzania (TEST), a Maasai organization that advocates for conservation that also respects human rights. The government of Tanzania is evicting the Maasai people from their ancestral lands to make way for protected areas to promote tourism. Through the radio station Loliondo FM, TEST makes communities aware of their rights: Only people who know their rights can shape their own future – in harmony with nature.


We have a petition against the eviction of the Maasai, which you can sign and share here if you have not already done so.

You can also support the Maasai’s struggle by donating here.

Thanks for being involved,

John Hayduska
Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e. V.)



For true climate protection: Don't fuel the fire!

Europe officially committed to phasing out fossil fuels at the COP28 climate conference. In reality, the EU wants to fall back on dangerous distractions and false solutions like carbon capture and storage. Rainforest Rescue and over 140 other organizations are calling on the EU to support real climate action!



Brazil: Mob of landowners and militia kill Indigenous leader

Violence against Indigenous people in Brazil continues to escalate. On January 21, 200 large landowners and members of a police militia used WhatsApp to coordinate an armed attack on the Pataxó people. One of their leaders was killed and her brother was seriously wounded by gunfire. The violence stems from land disputes and resource exploitation.



Trophy hunting: Debunking the lobby’s lies

Rainforest Rescue has long said NO to tourists shooting elephants, rhinos and lions for fun. A recently published position paper exposes the lies of hunting lobby groups who claim that killing animals for “sport” somehow benefits conservation and provides income for local people. Belgium is leading the way with its recent import ban on hunting trophies.

An indigenous Paiter Surui boy, Brazil

Supporting rainforest defenders

Rainforests are in particularly good shape wherever Indigenous people live and local communities are committed to conservation. Protecting their rights and strengthening them is an important part of our work to defend the forests.


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Rettet den Regenwald e.V. (Rainforest Rescue)
Jupiterweg 15, 22391 Hamburg, Germany
Tel: +49 40 228 510 80

IBAN: DE11 4306 0967 2025 0541 00

in...@rainforest-rescue.org  •  www.rainforest-rescue.org

Photo Credits:
image 1: RdR/Mathias Rittgerott
image 2: RealZeroEurope
image 3: Teia dos Povos
image 4: Istockphoto
image 5: KEIN CREDIT


Sent: Monday, February 05, 2024 8:35 PM
Subject: Strengthening rainforest defenders – for biodiversity, the climate and human rights

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