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*[Enwl] Гранты National Geographic в области водных ресурсов

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Aug 11, 2022, 11:17:06 AM8/11/22
to "ENWL-uni"

Признавая различные потребности, которые могут существовать в нашем сообществе, мы хотели бы поделиться с вами захватывающей возможностью разработать новый проект или продвинуть вашу существующую работу. Национальное географическое общество объявило конкурс на подачу заявок на гранты в области охраны природы, образования, исследований и технологий, предлагая шанс стать частью их сообщества. Гранты делятся на два уровня, в зависимости от ваших предыдущих соглашений с National Geographic. Пожалуйста, найдите более подробную информацию ниже и по ссылке: Гранты и инвестиции - Национальное географическое общество. Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что Пресноводная вода в этом году является отдельной категорией, в которой представлены инновационные фотографии, короткометражные фильмы, тексты, визуализация данных и другие предложения по рассказыванию историй, чтобы помочь водопользователям понять проблемы, связанные с глобальной устойчивостью водных ресурсов.

Выдержка из конкурса предложений National Geographic:


Текущие возможности предоставления грантов
Заявки на получение гранта должны быть поданы до 11:59 вечера по восточному времени 12 октября 2022 года. Кандидаты на рассказывание историй будут уведомлены о решениях о финансировании в начале марта 2023 года. Кандидаты в области охраны природы, образования, исследований и технологий получат решения о финансировании к концу марта 2023 года. Те, кто подал заявку до крайнего срока в апреле 2022 года, будут уведомлены в августе 2022 года (заявители на рассказывание историй) или сентябре 2022 года (заявители на охрану природы, образование, исследования и технологии).

Мы предлагаем грантовые возможности в различных точках входа, чтобы обеспечить динамичный путь для присоединения к нашему сообществу и взаимодействия с нами.

Независимо от того, являетесь ли вы начинающим исследователем или уже являетесь светилом в этой области, каждая возможность имеет уникальные критерии и преимущества, гарантирующие, что наши Исследователи получат поддержку и финансирование в соответствии с их конкретными потребностями и целями. Каждый год небольшое количество грантов присуждается лицам, которые только начинают свой путь в National Geographic, а также тем, кто работает над более продвинутыми проектами.

Национальное географическое общество тепло приветствует и поощряет кандидатов из исторически и в настоящее время недопредставленных и недостаточно обслуживаемых групп населения подавать заявки. National Geographic стремится финансировать разнообразную и глобально репрезентативную группу исследователей. Национальное географическое общество не допускает дискриминации по признаку расы, религиозных убеждений, семейного или родительского положения, сексуальной ориентации, гендерной идентичности или самовыражения, национального происхождения, происхождения, возраста или инвалидности.

Best regards,

---------- Forwarded message ---------
От: Water Changemakers <>
Date: ср, 10 авг. 2022 г. в 20:56
Subject: Grant opportunity from the National Geographic
To: Water Changemakers <>

Dear Water ChangeMaker,


Recognizing various needs that might exist within our community, we would like to share with you an exciting opportunity to develop a new project or to advance your existing work. The National Geographic Society has announced a call for grant proposal submissions in conservation, education, research and technology, offering a chance to become a part of their community. The grants are divided in two Levels, depending on your prior engagements with the National Geographic. Please find more information below and via the link: Grants and Investments - National Geographic Society. Kindly note that Freshwater is a separate category this year, seeking innovative photography, short film, writing, data visualization and other storytelling proposals to help water users understand the issues around global water sustainability.


Extract from the National Geographic call for proposals:


Current grant opportunities

Grant proposal submissions are due by 11:59pm EDT on October 12, 2022. Storytelling applicants will be notified of funding decisions at the beginning of March 2023. Applicants to Conservation, Education, Research, and Technology will receive funding decisions by the end of March 2023. Those who applied by the April 2022 deadline will be notified in August 2022 (Storytelling applicants) or September 2022 (Conservation, Education, Research, and Technology applicants).

We offer grant opportunities at various entry points to provide a dynamic pathway to join our community and engage with us.

Whether you are an aspiring Explorer or already a luminary in the field, each opportunity has unique criteria and benefits to ensure that our Explorers receive support and funding aligned to their specific needs and goals. Each year, a small number of grants are awarded to individuals who are just beginning their National Geographic journey, as well as those who are working on more advanced projects.

The National Geographic Society warmly welcomes and encourages applicants from historically and currently underrepresented and underserved populations to apply. National Geographic is committed to funding a diverse and globally representative cohort of Explorers. The National Geographic Society does not discriminate on the basis of race, religious creed, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, ancestry, age, or handicap.


Freshwater is vital for life on Earth, for people, species and places across the natural world. Yet, in many places around the globe, our management of freshwater resources is becoming unsustainable. Understanding the interconnectedness and complexity of local and regional freshwater issues is critical to living sustainably on Earth and is an integral part of the National Geographic Society’s mission to illuminate and protect the wonder of our world.

National Geographic Society seeks innovative photography, short film, writing, data visualization and other storytelling proposals to help water users understand the issues around global water sustainability. This work will be supported by data, science and cartography provided by the National Geographic-supported World Water Map developed by Utrecht University.

We seek projects that center around the following themes related to water:

  1. Interconnectedness: Water is the great connector. Rivers span political boundaries, flowing from one community to the next. Moreover, nothing breaks down silos like water. It is bound up in cultural and religious practices, gender, geology, geography, public health, nature, geopolitics and the production and movement of food and other products. We seek stories that build nuance around  standard and didactic narratives, helping audiences to understand how these topics are all connected, just as we are. 
  2. Justice: The story of water is also fundamentally the story of power. Who controls access, where it flows, what this precious resource is used for–all boils down to privilege. How are issues of race and inequality refracted through the lens of access to water?
  3. Change and Adaptation: Changes on earth due to global warming, human population growth and technology all result in changes to water supply and demand; water is an indicator of these changes to life on earth. Moreover, water and climate change are more closely linked than most people realize. We seek stories of solutions and resilience, in particular how people are adapting to these changes.

Projects that benefit local audiences or incorporate local voices are strongly encouraged. Water issues span nearly every aspect of the human and natural world; we’re seeking projects with a scientific underpinning and will be looking for these to be well-researched and grounded by science. Storytellers may choose to have a scientist on their team as an advisor to their work. Some journalists feel less comfortable or that they lack the right credentials or education to cover science stories. But journalists and storytellers who have less experience in scientific research may find that they have actually covered issues of social science extensively. If your work is related to inequities around access to resources like freshwater, you’ve covered a social-science story. We seek applications that show the spirit of scientific inquiry.

Applicants may request up to $20,000. Budgets of successful proposals will include reasonable, well justified costs directly required to complete the project. Successful applicants may use awarded funds over the course of one year. Some projects may be selected for additional funds after proof of concept is demonstrated.  All applications should explicitly state the plan for evaluating the impact of the proposed work. Applicants may use a portion of the budget for HEFAT or other security training, if applicable.

Best regards,

Water ChangeMaker Awards Team

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