I am trying to get a gRPC-JSON transcoder working. According to the docs, the filter's "config" key has a key "services", which in the example documentation looks like:
"services": [ "grpc.service.Service" ]
I have generated a proto.pb descriptor set file from a proto file that looks like this:
syntax = "proto3";
package auth;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
service Authenticator {
rpc CreateUserSession(CreateUserSessionRequest) returns (CreateUserSessionResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/sessions"
body: "*"
rpc AuthenticateUser(AuthenticateUserRequest) returns (AuthenticateUserResponse) {}
rpc AuthenticateService(AuthenticateServiceRequest) returns (AuthenticateServiceResponse) {}
Given this proto definition, how am I supposed to be able to reference the Authenticator service in the envoy config? Is it grpc.$package_name.$service_name (grpc.auth.Authenticator)? I keep getting the error "transcoding_filter: Could not find 'grpc.auth.Authenticator' in the proto descriptor", but its hard for me to figure out whether the problem is with my envoy config or my generated proto.pb because I don't know how the "services" values are supposed to relate to the proto.rb file.
Thanks in advance.