DNS srv record for service discovery

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Mikhail Galanin

Oct 17, 2024, 8:20:16 PM10/17/24
to envoy-dev
Hi dear Envoy community,

Some while ago I started some attempt [1]  to implement long-ago requested feature ([2], #125).

The work is entirely based on previous discussion in [2] and design proposal.

I have to admit, that now I am stuck. I would like someone to discuss implementation and potential design but can't see developers in both PR and the issue.

Moreover, it looks like the situation is changed since then and now each new extension needs to have a maintainer sponsor (see the comments in [1]).

Can the dear community give me an advice - how can I find the sponsor, and how I can get unstuck? I'm happy to revise previous design and make all the necessary amendments but I feel like a second pair of eyes is vital here.

Pull request with proposal

Initial request

Design proposal (link can be found in #125, comment from Jan 18, 2021)

Mikhail Galanin

Nov 12, 2024, 4:40:34 AM11/12/24
to envoy-dev
Hi again,

Is anyone aware of a channel, where I can rich out to Envoy devs? :)
I'm really keen to unravel this knot.

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Yan Avlasov

Nov 12, 2024, 7:36:21 PM11/12/24
to Mikhail Galanin, envoy-dev
I will ask maintainers if anyone is willing to sponsor this extension. You can start by adding it to the contrib directory where extensions do not require maintainer sponsorship. You will need to split your PR into two to modify the DNS resolver API and then add the cluster into contrib extensions.

Mikhail Galanin

Nov 13, 2024, 8:38:55 PM11/13/24
to Yan Avlasov, envoy-dev
Thank you Yan,

This was a small comment but helped me a lot! Appreciate it.
Sure, I will move the extension to Contribs.
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