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Windows CI will be turned down on August 31st, 2023

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Yan Avlasov

Aug 8, 2023, 2:19:28 PM8/8/23
to, envoy-dev, envoy-users, Envoy-maintainers
Due to lack of active Envoy maintainers for Windows platform the CI will be turned down on August 31st 2023, unless new maintainers are found. This means that new changes will not be built or tested on Windows platform and Windows docker images will no longer be published. The last Envoy version to support WIndows is 1.27

If you would like to maintain Envoy on Windows, please contact mailing list or comment on Issue:

Envoy Maintainers.

Alyssa Wilk

Mar 14, 2024, 1:04:24 PM3/14/24
to Yan Avlasov,, envoy-dev, envoy-users, Envoy-maintainers
This turn-down got delayed due to a handful of volunteers but unfortunately after 6 months windows CI is still problematic enough we have turned it down.

If anyone wants to step up and take ownership of setting up nightly builds and and fixing regressions we'd love to retain windows support, as long as we can do so with a lower cost to the maintainers and envoy developer community.


Alyssa, on behalf of the Envoy Maintainers

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