f - Discussion vs debate

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Jan 23, 2014, 9:58:38 PM1/23/14
to enki-ex...@googlegroups.com

A question has been raised as to whether or not the Enki Experience site welcomes debate or is just a place to toe the “party line.” Since the whole point to opening the Enki Experience was to offer those new to Enki a place to get honest and direct information from those using it, it would not make a whole lot of sense to ask for “party line” responses. But what is it we mean by discussion and debate?

I believe the underlying issue is “what exactly is debating”? Where is debating useful and welcome and where is it not? EE is NOT a place to debate what Enki IS because only Amy (associate director of programming), Blake (associate director of administration), and I (developer-director) can answer that - that is the plus of having living developers. So, it is true that there is no debate as to what Enki is at the blueprint or vision level - that is why all questions on theory or interpretation are sent on to me. This helps avoid misunderstanding about the vision and paves the way for real debate.

Real debate: people are welcomed and encouraged to express how they feel about that blueprint, to offer other theories or conflicting  information on a given topic,  and to describe any direct personal experience they have with Enki. Actually one of our goals in forming EE was to have a place people could say things about their DIRECT experience with Enki and I could respond so that both sides of any issue were available to all interested.

So by inviting debate we mean welcoming different opinions about how people see and experience what Enki. That is a good use of EE and helps to straighten out just what Enki actually is and also how it plays out in the home. It leaves people free to make a well-informed choice.

What we don’t welcome is any bashing: negative comments on people or intent, or second hand reports of experience. We don’t allow this as regards Enki, nor do we allow it as regards any other person, person’s opinion, or educational experience or philosophy. Simply put, we are not okay with gossip and personal attack anywhere, anytime. So the only limits on EE discussion are that 1) people disagree with respect and consideration for all involved (i.e. not bashing) -  if we can’t do that, it is not Enki and there is little hope for anything healthy to grow in that environment. And 2) we ask that people speak only of their own direct experience - then those involved can reply directly. One of the great imbalances in rumor is that someone reports a wrong that wasn’t done to her. Because she is speaking for someone else, there is no way to straighten out the problem or present both sides of the picture and leave others free to draw their own conclusions. Second hand reporting (i.e. rumor) is so powerful because there is no way to bring out each truth and we are all left in a “he says/she says” destructive cycle.

So, the long and short is that on EE (and any other Enki forum) we welcome and encourage lively conversation about both the theory and the reality of Enki in the home or school. It is this lively exchange of experiences that helps Enki clarify our outlook and the reasons for it, and helps us see where Enki needs to shift and grow in response to living, breathing children and their families. We ask that only that all debate occur with respect and appreciation for those on the other side, much like the kind of discussion as we hope to foster among children.

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