Final Decision on Discussion Group Structure an name use

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Beth Sutton

Mar 15, 2014, 1:45:59 PM3/15/14

This has been a long process and we hope it has helped everyone to have a more detailed window into how we work with issues, and to have their own chance to digest along the way – it has certainly been a help to us in our understanding. At this point, the open intake and digestion phases are complete and we have moved to the output/decision phase. We want to share that with you as fully as we are able, in this final note on this topic.

Since this will change the nature of the options and the choices for every single person in the discussion groups, we ask that you read this in full.

What we are seeing is that the initial feeling that a different kind of group was also needed seems to have been a wise one. We, too, are now seeing that - independent of the name use issue - there is a need for different kinds of discussion groups offered by Enki. 

We do want to be open about the fact that, for the long run, this is not our preferred route. Why? Because, from our perspective, it would be best for and truest to the Enki Ecosystem for all types of discussion to happen on the Enki Farm. But we are seeing that, at this time in Enki’s development, this is not where we are at this point – and we see that we, as the Leadership, have not attended to this fully enough in the past.

At this point, there appears to be a need for a peer group for parents using Enki materials, to support one another – much as Holistic Families did for many years. This is different from the original offer to refer people to the independent Facebook group because we are seeing the need for Enki involvement in starting the group as well as referring people there. . Therefore, we will offer these groups.

As well, based on the overall participation in the Enki Explorations (Enki Farm) group, there also seems to be a desire for an official group for those wanting to work with the Enki process in their group discussions, and to do so with the Enki Leadership.

Therefore, from this point on, we will offer three different groups.

  1.      The first two will be peer led discussion groups for people working with Enki to participate in.
  2.        The other group will be an official Enki discussion group, the Enki Farm, hosted by the leadership.



1)   1)  Two peer groups that are open to all - like the old Holistic Families group. These are places for people to support one another by sharing as they see fit. We will connect current Enki users and new purchasers to these groups, and they will also be open to any holistic homeschooler. 

These groups are not hosted and require no commitment to specific netiquette of any kind, the group will will determine how they unfold. However, we do request that each person speak only for her or himself and not quote other people, including the Enki Leadership.

Both groups will be called Holistic Homeschooling: a gathering place.

Why “Holistic Homeschooling”? As we have said right along, Enki is a specific process, and one that takes time to integrate into our thinking – that is the paradigm shift so often referenced. Therefore, any discussion group or program not actively working with that process, with the Enki Leadership, should not use the Enki name.

We want to be clear that this says nothing at all about the people in that group or about anything said - only that any person or group not actively working with the Enki process with the leadership in their discussion groups or programs should not be representing Enki Education. Use of the Enki name in a group or program name does just that (even if that is not the intent). If you are interested in the details of the reasons for this and missed the earlier post on it, a link to it can be found in this folder. Because of the difficulty created by offering subtle ways to use the name, we have decided that the Enki name needs to be fully out of the title and subtitle of any group not actively working not endorsed by the Enki Leadership to do so.

Why Two peer groups? We have heard both from people who are passionate about using Facebook, and from others who do not want to participate in Facebook platform (for a variety of reasons), but who do want a peer discussion. So we will start out with one FB group and one google group and see how participation goes, and whether both or just one is needed.

The links - which will be sent to the entire community and given to all entering Enki  -  are below. You do need to be accepted, but once you are in, all members have the ability to accept and invite new members. After the first person joins each group, neither the current owner from our tech team, nor any of the Enki directors will be involved any further.

2)    2) The second type of group will be an Enki Leadership hosted group. This group, the Enki Farm, is specifically for those who want to participate in the Enki Farm as described on the site. We very much hope that one day this will be a place where people want to share and explore any and all aspects of their lives from the perspective of the Enki Web, but we see that getting there is a process.

This group has very specific netiquette, including, but not limited to, compassionate communication, and acting in accord with the decisions made for Enki by the Leadership (such things as use of the Enki name, programs, curriculum content, changes to the web, etc.). It is an opportunity to work with other Enki homeschoolers in relation to the Enki web, and with the guidance of the Enki Leadership (directors, council members, and group hosts).  

This group has a very specific structure: all things are open to engagment with from the perspective of the Enki Web. As we have discussed, it is this questioning that defines Enki. At this time, we are not sure whether this kind of approach is something that can work in an online discussion group, or if some other program is needed for this. This is something we will discuss with those who choose to join the Farm.

The first purchase of Enki materials will include a one year subscription to participate in this group, for those for whom it is a good fit and who, therefore, commit to the group requirements. After this time, there will be a yearly $50 dues to remain in this group. Everyone now in the group and wishing to continue within the parameters laid out, will receive complimentary membership through to the start of 2015.

W We ask that everyone take some time to read the Enki Farm Welcome page and all the posts in the folder called “The Enki Farm: an information packet,”  to decide if this group is a good fit for you – there have been changes and recent additions and we ask that you read all carefully. Please do so by February 28th. We will leave all membership as it now is until then (as long as current netiquette is observed), so that those for whom this is not a good fit can make copies of any posts they want.

However, these posts are for personal use only. All posts on the Enki Farm fall within privacy regulations; therefore, quoting, and/or reposting an entry posted by another person - including the Enki Leadership – constitutes a violation of this agreement.

Any Enki Guides owner can participate in all these groups, as long as he or she meets the requirements of each (this does mean that those in the FB group using the Enki name will have to make a choice).   

The monthly phone calls with the Enki Leadership are open to all regardless of participation in any online group participation.

We hope that this long process has been supportive of all and made it easier for everyone to know more fully what she/he is seeking, and to find it in one of these groups. And we hope this new division and clarification of groups will prove to be positive for all.


Beth and Amy

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