blessings of Enki

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Kestrel Gates

Mar 14, 2014, 1:32:58 AM3/14/14
Hello there,
I just want to put in a quick dash of love for Enki.

We had such a sweet monthly conference call, and what is spoke deeply to something I am integrating right now.

Noticing when I am exhausted. Noticing when I am judging myself for being exhausted.  And letting it just be.  That my exhaustion is something to note, not judge.

So for me, I with Enki, I have a curriculum that so deeply nourishes my children and supports my teaching process beautifully.  And I also have this path through parenting and teaching that puts my own well being and personal growth in the center.  For me, it is working with what is present in myself, my children, and my family as a whole.  At times this is working with rhythm, or looking at where my children are at developmentally, or looking at what I am modelling.  Its an evolving process and my family is growing with it over time in a slow and deep way.


Brandy Nichols

Mar 14, 2014, 12:27:40 PM3/14/14
Thanks for sharing!  I enjoyed the call, too.  Nice to see people and be able to ask hear discussions with actual educators. :-)

Muezetta Cromer

Mar 15, 2014, 2:15:01 PM3/15/14
I so appreciate you honesty and your insight, Kestral! It's a great tip to listen and notice. I really enjoyed the call also.

Thank you, Muezetta

Kestrel Gates

Mar 15, 2014, 4:05:49 PM3/15/14
Ok, for some humor and some honesty: 

As I was typing the above post, I was thinking that there was something I was missing  . . . what could it be?  It was the all important questions of "So, I am exhausted. What is this telling me?" . . .   And the answer would have been if I was paying enough attention, "get off the computer and go to bed!"

Yes, asking the questions is important, whether it is something within ourselves we notice, our children, or our family as a whole.  And sleep is good ; ).

Xanh 6.5
Mai Linh almost 3

Brandy Nichols

Mar 17, 2014, 12:54:37 PM3/17/14
Too funny and, yes, too true. :-)
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