Half implemented features?

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Apr 20, 2011, 8:28:11 PM4/20/11
to EngineY
I'm looking at incorporating EngineY's social network aspects into a
project. However, it appears that some functionality is incomplete.

I'm currently looking at the Group Membership Admin page where you can
Promote or Demote users. The code to display the list of users appears
to be missing. Also, there's reference to the Dojo Toolkit, but Dojo
doesn't appear to be loaded on the page.

Am I working on an old branch?


Timothy Fisher

Apr 23, 2011, 2:31:38 PM4/23/11
to eng...@googlegroups.com
Where did you pull the code from?  There is an older version on Google Code, but the latest code sits on Github.  Also make sure you grab from the repository.  The packeged code is not up to date.


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Apr 23, 2011, 9:23:58 PM4/23/11
to EngineY
The code came from github (https://github.com/timothyf/EngineY/).

In the Manage Group Users view (https://github.com/timothyf/EngineY/
blob/master/app/views/groups/manage_group_users.html.erb) there's
reference to a handle_promote_to_admin_btn JavaScript function, this
function is making reference to the Dojo library (dijit.byId...), but
Dojo isn't being loaded onto the page and functionality on this page
doesn't work.

Was there a conversion from Dojo to jQuery at some point? Did this
page get left out?



Timothy Fisher

Apr 23, 2011, 9:58:47 PM4/23/11
to eng...@googlegroups.com
Yes, there was a conversion from Dojo to jQuery.  Yes it is possible that that specific function was not implemented.  In general the Manage Group Users is an area that still needs some work.  I will try to work on this, but if you are in a rush and choose to implement something yourself, feel free to send a pull request and I will incorporate what you come up with.



Apr 25, 2011, 12:55:05 AM4/25/11
to EngineY
I did implement the features I needed. I'll send a pull request later
this week.

Thanks for the quick response. :)


Timothy Fisher

Apr 26, 2011, 10:48:24 PM4/26/11
to eng...@googlegroups.com
thanks for the contributions...  I'm always looking for volunteers who take an interest in contributing..

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