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Steven Rogers

Aug 2, 2010, 1:26:34 AM8/2/10
I had a chance to play around with the latest version of EngineY - here's a few items. First, wow, what a lot of changes! The Facebook Clone template is nice. I picked that particular one to play around with for the notes below:

- Dojo is still in public/javascripts - weren't we going to jettison that? The project is kind of big.

- The templates in nav_menu.html.erb defines nav_menu_items which duplicates a lot of info in the DB and seems to limit what's shown in the display regardless of the settings in the Admin screen/DB. That seems a bit funny.

- in facebook_clone.css line 41 #navigation is broken by setting width: 300px; which makes any additional items (like manage) wrap. 600px seems about right

- home_controller.rb line 94 says HtmlContent.find_by_content_id('privacy') when probably means to say: HtmlContent.find_by_title('privacy')

- It would be cool to have a "terms of service" link in the footer next to privacy, since Facebook requires a Terms of Service link. I cloned one for myself out of the code for privacy.

- for the configuration.rb model - it would be handy if this were just read from a config/something.yml file or defined in an initializer

- it looks like the basic home/index action for "/" bounces through quite a few things and gets errors before checking to see that there's no user and going to the login page.

- The links for friend operations only appear in the column-based widget and not in /users/1/friends where they're display on the full page - not really a bug, but kind of counter-intuitive that you're on a page that says "Pending Friends" but you can't do anything with them.

- the plugin gmail_smtp breaks SendGrid on Heroku - just a note as that wouldn't apply to everyone, but handy to know.

- the way the divs are set up in the FB clone header, shrinking the window causes the tabs to wrap down into the body.

- if you do HTML Content delete function in admin pages, you get a Template is Missing error. It needs on line 286:

def content_delete
@html_content = HtmlContent.find(params[:id])
redirect_to :action => 'contents'

- if you click on "privacy policy" when not logged in (with FB template) then you're stuck. Maybe link the Logo Text at the top to the root path?

That's all I've found so far. In general, this seems like a big step up. Just keeps getting better and better . . .


Timothy Fisher

Aug 2, 2010, 8:47:16 AM8/2/10

First let me say thank you very much for the detailed feedback.  It is feedback like yours that helps keep me on track and assured that what I am doing is meeting the needs of users.  I will be going through your items one-by-one and responding to them in a follow-up email.  Having glanced through them, in general I think it's mainly things that I agree with your assessment of and that I need to get cleaned up.

Please keep up the feedback!


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Timothy Fisher

Aug 2, 2010, 8:55:44 AM8/2/10
See response in RED:

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 1:26 AM, Steven Rogers <> wrote:
I had a chance to play around with the latest version of EngineY - here's a few items. First, wow, what a lot of changes! The Facebook Clone template is nice.  I picked that particular one to play around with for the notes below:

 - Dojo is still in public/javascripts - weren't we going to jettison that?  The project is kind of big.
YES, I will be removing the included Dojo.

 - The templates in nav_menu.html.erb defines nav_menu_items which duplicates a lot of info in the DB and seems to limit what's shown in the display regardless of the settings in the Admin screen/DB. That seems a bit funny.
This is the result of some in progress work.  I am still in the midst of moving the nav menu configuration into the DB.  When that is complete this will get cleaned up.

 - in facebook_clone.css line 41 #navigation is broken by setting width: 300px; which makes any additional items (like manage) wrap. 600px seems about right
I'll take a look at this and get it fixed.

 - home_controller.rb line 94 says HtmlContent.find_by_content_id('privacy') when probably means to say:  HtmlContent.find_by_title('privacy')
Good catch, this was a change recently in the field name and I missed updating that line.

 - It would be cool to have a "terms of service" link in the footer next to privacy, since Facebook requires a Terms of Service link. I cloned one for myself out of the code for privacy.
Good idea, I'll add that to my list of TODOs

 - for the configuration.rb model - it would be handy if this were just read from a config/something.yml file or defined in an initializer
Agreed, already have this in my backlog of TODOs

 - it looks like the basic home/index action for "/" bounces through quite a few things and gets errors before checking to see that there's no user and going to the login page.
I will take a look at this and see what is going on.

 - The links for friend operations only appear in the column-based widget and not in /users/1/friends where they're display on the full page - not really a bug, but kind of counter-intuitive that you're on a page that says "Pending Friends" but you can't do anything with them.
Good feedback, I will address this

 - the plugin gmail_smtp breaks  SendGrid on Heroku - just a note as that wouldn't apply to everyone, but handy to know.
Hmm, not sure what do do about this at the moment since I am relying on that plugin.  

 - the way the divs are set up in the FB clone header, shrinking the window causes the tabs to wrap down into the body.
Will fix this.

 - if you do HTML Content delete function in admin pages, you get a Template is Missing error. It needs on line 286:
Yea, that wasn't well tested.  I'll get that cleaned up.

 def content_delete
   @html_content = HtmlContent.find(params[:id])
   redirect_to :action => 'contents'

 - if you click on "privacy policy" when not logged in (with FB template) then you're stuck.  Maybe link the Logo Text at the top to the root path?
Good catch, will fix

That's all I've found so far. In general, this seems like a big step up. Just keeps getting better and better . . .
Thanks again for great feedback!!!

Steven Rogers

Aug 2, 2010, 2:41:40 PM8/2/10

On Aug 2, 2010, at 7:55 AM, Timothy Fisher wrote:

>> - the plugin gmail_smtp breaks SendGrid on Heroku - just a note as that wouldn't apply to everyone, but handy to know.
> Hmm, not sure what do do about this at the moment since I am relying on that plugin.

Yeah - I don't think you can do anything about that except perhaps mention it in the documentation.

Another thing I noticed: for the analytics code, you could have

render '/layouts/analytics' if Rails.env == 'production'

so that local development would automatically be omitted regardless


Timothy Fisher

Aug 2, 2010, 3:54:19 PM8/2/10
Good suggestion regarding the analytics code.



Steven Rogers

Aug 2, 2010, 4:26:54 PM8/2/10
one more thing . . .

I didn't notice that the FB skin doesn't have a regular user signup link, so I added that in.

But apparently there's some issues in UserMailer with the @url variable and body[:url] (might be because I'm using Rails 2.3.8 and the default was 2.3.5) - anyway - the @url defined in UserMailer.init (i.e. the network name) is what comes out in the body - e.g. the activation email only contains the root URL, not the activation code. I changed @url to @root_url throughout and then everything works as expected. It seems like there's some conflict between @url and body[:url]

Also, it would be cool if RubyMI didn't appear as literal text everywhere in the mail. In lots of places, it could just be omitted without even making it a user-defined symbol - like "you can now participate fully in the RubyMI community" could just be "you can now participate fully in the community".


Timothy Fisher

Aug 3, 2010, 11:03:17 AM8/3/10
Are you using the latest version of the code?  I thought I had removed all of the 'hardcoded' references to RubyMI from the emails.  I will do a global search and make sure that all hard-coded references to RubyMI are removed.



Timothy Fisher

Aug 3, 2010, 11:05:33 AM8/3/10
Okay, I went through the code, it looks like there are some hard-coded RubyMI references in some of the notifcation mesages.   I will get those cleaned up.

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