Example 3.4.5 Utility Pole

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May 13, 2023, 11:11:14 PM5/13/23
to Engineering Statics (OER) Group
Hello and thanks so much for making the textbook freely accessible! There is an example in Ch 3 that I think could be phrased more clearly.
In Example 3.4.5 Utility Pole, the solution uses a 2D plane to calculate the tension in the guy wire G. However in the photo (and realistically) the guy wire is at an angle to the pole. Therefore this problem should be solved as two sets of 2D planes, first to combine all the T values into a force along a horizontal line at the top of the pole, second to match this force with guy wire tension G and pole compression. For this the angle of the guy wire to the pole needs to be known. As written, the solution may give the student a false impression that the tension in the guy wire can be calculated in one plane.
To keep a similar example, there are cases where the guy wire is horizontal, running to another pole where there is more space to run wires down to the ground, but I could not find a photo easily. It looks something like the following:
Figure 4-9. Arm guy.

William Haynes

May 14, 2023, 12:56:35 PM5/14/23
to 'jcarter@inverhills.edu' via Engineering Statics (OER) Group

Thanks for the excellent feedback!  I've modified that problem to incorporate your suggestions.  You can see the new version here:  http://engineeringstatics.org/CH03-2d-particles.html#utilitypole

Screen Shot 2022-11-11 at 12.44.32 PM.png

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May 15, 2023, 8:18:35 PM5/15/23
to Engineering Statics (OER) Group
It looks great! Having a single guy wire in the photo also clarifies the example compared to the previous version. I appreciate the fast response.
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