Solar Schoolhouse Workshop for Outdoor Educators (May 29 @ AEOE Conference- FREE)

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Tor at Solar Schoolhouse

May 28, 2020, 3:28:41 PM5/28/20
Solar Schoolhouse Class Notes
Solar Schoolhouse Workshop for Outdoor Educators on May 29th. 1:45pm Free
We're trying our first virtual Solar Schoolhouse workshop tomorrow. May 29th at 1:45 PST, as part of the Association for Environmental & Outdoor Education (AEOE) annual conference.  We'll be sharing some activities that work well in the outdoor environment setting.  I'll be broadcasting from the shade of our two redwood trees, with short video clips to share details of each activity. You'll come away with a plan for your own teaching situation and some ideas of how to integrate solar/renewable energy into your educationl setting.
The Conference is FREE, but you'll need to register to get the links to the workshop. There are also many other great topics presented.
Solar Fountain Creations!
Call or email to discuss your project. or call Tor at 707-829-3154.
About Solar Schoolhouse Class Notes
Solar Schoolhouse is a program of The Rahus Institute, a 501c3 non-profit organization. Education Energized by the Sun describes the mission of Solar Schoolhouse providing educators the tools for exploring the science and art of designing with sunshine, improving lives, and shaping a clean energy future.
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