Fwd: YOUR Input Requested- Brighten-Up Caroline Coordinator

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John Reed

Jun 25, 2019, 9:15:32 AM6/25/19
to energy-indepe...@googlegroups.com
This is a reminder to use our list-serve email to communicate with EIC members....

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From: Mary Kobler <m_ko...@yahoo.com>
Date: June 25, 2019 at 8:09:39 AM EDT
To: David Ritchie <david.r...@gmail.com>
Cc: Don Barber <sunn...@gmail.com>, Mark Witmer <super...@townofcaroline.org>, "e...@johnjan.com" <e...@johnjan.com>, "scn...@gmail.com" <scn...@gmail.com>, "jl...@cornell.edu" <jl...@cornell.edu>, "dub...@gmail.com" <dub...@gmail.com>, "jona...@solartompkins.org" <jona...@solartompkins.org>, "eaw...@gmail.com" <eaw...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: YOUR Input Requested- Brighten-Up Caroline Coordinator

Both Jonathan and I are available to help with interviews Fri. 9am & 10am. 

I am forever grateful for everyone’s dedicated work and I help when I am able. 

Mary Alyce

On Jun 25, 2019, at 2:26 AM, David Ritchie <david.r...@gmail.com> wrote:

I think it would be good to have 2 people on each phone call to the reference people -- a speakerphone helps do that easily, or some phones have the ability to make 3-party calls.  One person can be dedicated to taking down the reference person's responses while the other person is asking the written questions and taking down the responses -- it helps tremendously with accuracy.  As a participant in many phone interviews for advertised positions at the library and institution I worked at, I am willing to be a second person for either you or Mark in these reference interviews.  I'm available on Thursday June 27 for the morning and/or afternoon of that day, and evening if necessary.  Let me know when and where I need to be to participate, if you or Mark should wish to use me for this purpose.

I hope someone else from EIC will volunteer to help in this way. 

I appreciate that you told me that in the EIC discussion it was agreed that the 2020 distribution would be in the Spring and the project done by late Spring (June is the latest Spring date possible), and I have re-done the project plan timeframe to include that compressed timeframe, which is attached in both Excel and pdf versions.


On Mon, Jun 24, 2019 at 9:52 PM Don Barber <sunn...@gmail.com> wrote:
Dave and all,

The committee discussed timing of the project and felt that we need to be done by later Spring 2020, due to the federal and state elections ramping up in the Summer and Fall of 2020.
So finding a coordinator asap has become a priority which you are now participating in.
You are correct in assuming that there is a lot of project organization work and a marketing plan that all need to be developed before we can think about LED distribution. And of course volunteer recruitment.  
The hope is to have this structural work done for a Fall 2019 distribution to just a portion of the Town.  We would use this experience to hone a push in the Spring to complete the project.
The committee also recognized that we need to build EIC membership to pull this off.  A recruitment article is going into the Brooktondale Community Center July newsletter announcing our meeting on July 24th.

That said, it is up to each of us to make the personal ask of the members of younger generations to build our membership and energy for a successful project.

Not hearing much feedback on timing for a meeting this week, I'd like to propose we interview one candidate on Friday at 9 AM and the second at 10 AM.  Then the committee would stay a little while after to provide a recommendation to the Town Board.  I know this is at the end of this email so I'll send another message out tomorrow after I've confirmed the interview schedule.

We also need to speak with references.  I think we need two persons calling (there are 2 references/applicant- each caller calls one for each applicant) and the list of questions need to be the same.  I haven't heard volunteers beyond Mark and myself.  Barring a new voice, Mark and I will work out questions and split the calls.

Please review the applicants material.

Warmest regards,

On Sat, Jun 22, 2019 at 10:22 PM Mark Witmer <super...@townofcaroline.org> wrote:

hi Dave,

I will speak for myself, but my understanding and intent is to let the applicants know when we expect most of the work to occur. I think your point that there may well be duties that run to the completion of the grant is a good one.   --Mark

Mark Witmer
Caroline Town Supervisor

From: David Ritchie <david.r...@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2019 9:45:06 PM
To: Mark Witmer
Cc: sunn...@gmail.com; e...@johnjan.com; scn...@gmail.com; jl...@cornell.edu; dub...@gmail.com; jona...@solartompkins.org; eaw...@gmail.com; m_ko...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: YOUR Input Requested- Brighten-Up Caroline Coordinator
Mark, Don, and all--
Clearly if this was discussed at Thursday's meeting, I missed it by not being there.

I'm sorry to be always asking questions, but why should the Coordinator job be shortened at all? 
The end of the grant is June 2021, when the final metrics report (a designated part of the Coordinator job) has to be submitted, unless that deadline has been extended, and the Coordinator is hopefully to start immediately given the huge amount to do before a Fall 2019 first distribution, and we'd certainly want the Coordinator to be available for a Fall 2020 second distribution, so from July 2019 through October 2020 is 16 months minimum, and June 2021 is 24 months away.   Certainly the EIC wouldn't want to go through this search again in another 6-12 months and bring someone new on who has no background, who hasn't made the contacts, etc., and replicate the current hurry-up situation again next year.  Nothing there supports shortening the time frame of the position.  So why?


On Sat, Jun 22, 2019 at 11:08 AM Mark Witmer <super...@townofcaroline.org> wrote:

Don and all, 

I believe we should adhere to the Coordinator duties as described in what was advertised in Town Announcements (attached) to provide applicants for fulfillment of their application materials. I agree that we need to amend the anticipated timeline of the Coordinator involvement to something like 6-12 months (instead of 12-18 months), remembering that time allocation will almost certainly vary dramatically each month. I can do that when I reach out to each applicant for additional information. 

Do you agree?  Thanks, Mark

Mark Witmer
Caroline Town Supervisor

From: Mark Witmer
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2019 10:31:06 AM
To: David Ritchie; sunn...@gmail.com
Cc: e...@johnjan.com; scn...@gmail.com; jl...@cornell.edu; dub...@gmail.com; jona...@solartompkins.org; eaw...@gmail.com; m_ko...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: YOUR Input Requested- Brighten-Up Caroline Coordinator

Thanks Dave. Full applicant materials will be forthcoming.  --mark

Mark Witmer
Caroline Town Supervisor

From: David Ritchie <david.r...@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2019 9:54:11 AM
To: sunn...@gmail.com
Cc: Mark Witmer; e...@johnjan.com; scn...@gmail.com; jl...@cornell.edu; dub...@gmail.com; jona...@solartompkins.org; eaw...@gmail.com; m_ko...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: YOUR Input Requested- Brighten-Up Caroline Coordinator
For those people (maybe only me) who didn't attend the EIC meeting on Thursday evening, are there materials for the other candidate that maybe were passed out at the meeting?  I don't know what Emily has applied, and have not seen a resume or cover letter of application or her 3 references.  If you have those in electronic form or someone can scan them in, that would mean that everyone would eventually have the same info for both candidates, since we got a resume from Corey sent by Mark the other day, have 2 of his 3 references, and presumably will get his cover letter and 3rd reference when those come to Mark.

THanks.  I'll look at my calendar and the proposed interview q's.


On Sat, Jun 22, 2019 at 9:16 AM Don Barber <sunn...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks for the Interview questions.  This is very helpful.  

Maybe we can all look them over for tweaking to become reference questions.


On Sat, Jun 22, 2019 at 8:58 AM Mark Witmer <super...@townofcaroline.org> wrote:


Thanks for this plan of action. Please see attached questions previously compiled. I believe these should satisfy that task, or at least give a chance for final edit. 

I did email Corey for references yesterday and he has provided two, as per my request:

Christopher Snyder:


I will send him the work plan you forwarded to Corey and request a cover letter for his resume. 

I will ask Emily for her references. I will follow up with both applicants about daytime availability. 
Are we okay with 2 references for each applicant? I feel that this is sufficient. Please advise. 
I will suggest that reference calls be conducted by you as Chair or another EIC member? 

Thursday or Friday anytime would work for me. 

Thanks, Mark

Mark Witmer
Caroline Town Supervisor

From: Don Barber <sunn...@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2019 7:09 AM
To: Mark Witmer; e...@johnjan.com; scn...@gmail.com; jl...@cornell.edu; David Ritchie; dub...@gmail.com; jona...@solartompkins.org; eaw...@gmail.com; m_ko...@yahoo.com
Subject: YOUR Input Requested- Brighten-Up Caroline Coordinator
Good morning

With two interested parties for Brighten-Up Project Coordinator, it is clear that our plan of communicating by email about a recommendation to the Town Board needs to be changed.

For several reasons, we should physically meet in the near future to interview candidates.  Because our goal would be to make a recommendation for the person to fill that position at that meeting, it is important that we have as much information as we can glean for that meeting.  

To that end, I think we need to do two things:
1. communicate with Corey the scope of work for the position (see attached) and then ask him to respond why he is qualified in this position.
2. Develop a set of reference questions and ask both applicants for 3 references that are immediately available.

Mark, if you're willing to communicate with Corey about the scope of work and ask him for his resume cover letter based on this document as well as references. Please set an expectation for response time.  Then we would know if we still have two applicants.  And if you'd be willing to ask Emily for references.

EIC Team,  Please send to the group by Monday evening interview questions- I can compile them.  We should identify 2 of us willing to call references and split the list of 6 between them.. (I could be one of the callers)

If we make this a priority, it could be possible to interview on Thursday or Friday of next week.  I'm suggesting that we not interview in the evening.  I am available to meet on the 27th or 28th anytime except after 3 on Thursday.

The fall back would be to meet the following week, which is a little complicated by the 4th on Thursday- but certainly doable.

Your thoughts please.


On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 8:09 PM Mark Witmer <super...@townofcaroline.org> wrote:

hi Mary Alyce,

Ok, will do. I'd be happy to call an interview meeting as soon as folks would like.  --Mark

Mark Witmer
Caroline Town Supervisor

From: Mary Kobler <m_ko...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2019 7:59:00 PM
To: Mark Witmer
Cc: jona...@solartompkins.org; sunn...@gmail.com; scn...@gmail.com; e...@johnjan.com; jl...@cornell.edu; eaw...@gmail.com; dub...@gmail.com; David Ritchie
Subject: Re: Brighten-Up Caroline Coordinator candidate
Hi Mark, 

Will you please ask both candidates for references that we can check soon and before interviews? I hope this can happen 

Thanks for all you do
Mary Alyce

On Jun 20, 2019, at 2:04 PM, Mark Witmer <super...@townofcaroline.org> wrote:

FYI.  Also, I ran into Emily today and let her know about this development. 

Mark Witmer
Caroline Town Supervisor

From: Corey Jones <cjgalac...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2019 8:30 PM
To: Mark Witmer
Subject: Brighten-Up Caroline Coordinator candidate
Hello Mark, my name is Corey and I would like to be considered for this position. I have over two years supervisory experience and have a passion for renewable energy and sustainability. I used to be a teacher so I'm very natural at public speaking, educating, directing others, collaborating, and organizing towards a central goal. Although I'm fairly new to the area I already love Tompkins County and want to do my part to make it an even brighter area. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your time. 
<Corey Jones Resume 4-9-19.docx>

Don Barber

Dave Ritchie \|/
david.ritchie0 (zero) at gmail.com
<BrightenUp Caroline Residential Project Timeline.xlsx>
<BrightenUp Caroline Residential Project Timeline-pdf.pdf>

Ed Wurtz

Jun 25, 2019, 11:27:47 AM6/25/19
to John Reed, energy-indepe...@googlegroups.com
I will be available for the interviews on Friday AM. 

I'm also posting this to the list serve email so that I don't have to keep track of all rhe various email addresses. Let's see how this works out.

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