Tri312 at LSF this SATURDAY MORNING - Volunteers wanted!

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Endurance Volunteers

Feb 8, 2024, 10:18:01 AMFeb 8
to Endurance Volunteers

Hey gang, 

Our next indoor triathlon is this SATURDAY MORNING (8am-11am) as we continue the Tri312 indoor triathlon (and duathlon!) series with our first event of the 2024 series at LAKESHORE SPORT & FITNESS - ILLINOIS CENTER!

Our Tri312 indoor triathlons at the "LSF" location features an 8-lane pool and an indoor running track (instead of treadmills), so we need extra volunteers to help with run lap counting & timing!

If you're interested in being a part of this indoor tri, please make sure you sign up to race and/or volunteer this weekend if you have not done so already! 

To volunteer, sign up at to pick your specific volunteer role(s)!

To race, please feel welcome (as alumni of our volunteer events) to use code "volunteermonster" for $25 off at as a little THANK YOU for being a past or current volunteer!

Please sign up and/or update your settings in our volunteer TEXT MESSAGE group here as we'll use this tool to communicate with each other over the weekend via text message.  Feel free to send a text message to introduce yourself and let us know if you plan to help out with any specific tasks and/or if you're racing too:

For anyone who can't race Saturday morning, or if you simply prefer to race on Friday evening, you're welcome to join a few of our staff and volunteers to complete a very laid back and informal "early wave" of the indoor tri on Friday evening!  The tentative plan will be to meet around 6:30pm at the gym to complete a single wave starting at 7:00pm sharp - followed by a social hour after!  Please let me know if you are interested in RACING or VOLUNTEERING for this mini wave via email to 

Post race, we tentatively plan to head over to Sweetwater around 11am-12noon for a lunch social hour - first round of beverages will be covered for all volunteers! -> use code "Tri312"
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, anytime!  Sending a text to the text group works great for urgent matters on race day, and for keeping everyone informed of any FAQ, please also feel welcome to join our new TEAMREACH GROUP that anyone can join for both TRI312 updates and general Chicago area training - simply download the "TeamReach" phone app from and use code "tri312" to join in!

When you arrive, please check in at the main LSF front desk (where you can also pay for a discounted parking voucher when you leave).  You can park in the attached public parking garage (google "221 N Stetson Ave").  Then check for signage and proceed to ATHLETE CHECK IN which may be located by the BIKE AREA AND INDOOR RUNNING TRACK.  At this event, we may have the BIKE area and ATHLETE CHECK IN table next to each other!   This area will also serve as VOLUNTEER CHECK IN to help keep volunteering areas closer together, making it easier and more consolidated overall.  We'll give you more instructions there and answer any final questions too!  Don't forget to pick up a free TRI312 SWAG item too!

In the mean time, here is a general informational sheet for INDOOR TRI VOLUNTEER TIPS that you can review:

We look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow!!!

-Coach Chris

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