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Traduko: A Translation Tool

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Phil Bordelon

Sep 1, 2007, 11:28:25 PM9/1/07
to, Borg[MDQ] Borg
Hey there. I'm sending this directly to Borg[MDQ], but
also to the list, on the off chance that there's someone
subscribed that would be willing to work on translations
for Endgame: Singularity.

I banged out a tool tonight called 'traduko.' It's not
fully written yet, but the most important part is done.
You can use it to get a new translation started easily,
or to pull in new strings to an existing translation.

It's currently residing in our Subversion repository,
in a utils directory:

For now, the usage is simple. You do something like
this if you want to start a new translation from
scratch or update an existing one:

./traduko update --directory /path/to/e-s/data la_NG

If you would like to use someone /else's/ translation for
a starting point (for example, if you want to translate
the game to es_ES, using the es_AR translation as a first
step), you can do so:

./traduko update --directory /blah/blah --source es_AR es_ES

That will make the application choose first from the es_AR
strings before it defaults to the en_US strings.

Strings from the en_US files will show up with exclamation
points on either side; strings from a --source language will
show up with asterisks on either side.

Eventually, I want traduko to be able to inform you of how many
strings are missing in a given translation, and even to package
up a translation for sending to us. For now, though, I think
it's a good start.

Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or desires!
The whole point of the tool is to make it just that little bit
easier to maintain or begin a translation.

(Note that you'll definitely need to get all of this from SVN;
I've been doing some heavy lifting with file formats, file names,
and even file locations, so using traduko with any public release
of E:S will fail miserably.)


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