Enemy Nations Source Code

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Nov 6, 2008, 5:14:21 PM11/6/08
to Enemy Nations Revival
I started this group to provoke interest in and to revive Enemy
Nations. Enemy Nations is a game that had so much potential but
because of complications with its publisher, its full potential could
not be reached. Its been over ten years, and its developer Windward
Studios, now Windward Reports has since moved on to bigger and better
things. A simple Google search for Enemy Nations will provide
surprisingly few relevant results regarding the game. The original
fan-base was quite small to begin with, but those of us who did get
the opportunity to play it know that Enemy Nations was years ahead of
its time.

Last year I found my old Enemy Nations cdrom and attempted to install
it on my Windows XP install. It worked, but it didn't work well. I
went online to see if there were any patches and was directed to the
Windward Reports Forum. It was there I saw that the Enemy Nations
source code had since been released. I was a student at the time, and
was interested in having a look at the inner workings of an old
favorite. Unfortunately, but no surprise the code was written in
Visual C++ 4.0, which is quite archaic. I did not have the time nor
experience to try and take anything away from that code. There also
appeared to be interest on the Windward forums to update that code so
that it would be compatible with modern OS's, but I think the lack of
a loyal fan-base and the daunting task of porting such old code killed
any attempt to do so.

My goal is to revive Enemy Nations by once again attempting to update
the code to not only be able to run on a modern OS, but to be cross
platform compatible. This can be done by porting the old Visual C++
4.0 code written for Windows 95 and Windows 3.x using the cross
platform GUI library Qt 4. This library is free to use for Open
Source projects and has more than enough capabilities to bring Enemy
Nations into the future, and give it another chance to shine.

Enemy Nations, unlike many other games released in the same time
period, is a good candidate for a revitalization project. The game
contained many high resolution graphics that could not be taken
advantage of by all hardware at the time, and many of these graphics
still look good compared to modern game graphics. Many aspects of the
game were held back only by the machine that was running it. This
means large maps, 20 player multi player, and great computer AI that
was held back by the power of the system. The depth of this RTS is
has few rivals to this day and it would be great to be able to play it
once again.

Unfortunately now that I have enough experience to start such a
project, I no longer have the source code. The first step in the
process of revive Enemy Nations is to get access to this source code
and set up a repository to serve it. I know that someone out there
still has a copy of it, and I post this plea here of my need. If you
have any information regarding to the location of this source code or
you have a copy of it yourself, please respond here.
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