EN ISO 13606 naming convention for attributes and classes

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David Moner

2015/01/14 6:15:572015/01/14
To: en1...@googlegroups.com

One topic to be addressed during the EN ISO 13606 renewal is to decide a naming convention for classes and attributes or the reference model.The current specification use a mixture of naming conventions: UNDERSCORE_UPPERCASE for classes, lowercase_underscore for attributes of the clinical model, and lowerCamelCase for attributes of the demographic model and the data types.

Thus, the EN ISO 13606 Association has prepared a proposal for an harmonized naming convention to be used in the renewed standard. You can find the complete text of the proposal in the Association web site.


This proposal will be presented to the ISO experts participating in the renewal process.

Any opinion or feelings about it?


David Moner Cano
Grupo de Informática Biomédica - IBIME
Instituto ITACA

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV)
Camino de Vera, s/n, Edificio G-8, Acceso B, 3ª planta
Valencia – 46022 (España)

Diego Boscá

2015/01/14 6:20:352015/01/14
To: en1...@googlegroups.com
I fully agree with this proposal
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Dipak Kalra

2015/01/14 13:05:272015/01/14
To: <en13606@googlegroups.com>
Dear David

Yes, please do raise this on Friday! I suggest you include it within your data types summary, so we don't forget. 

With best wishes,

Dipak Kalra

Dipak Kalra

2015/01/14 13:06:572015/01/14
To: <en13606@googlegroups.com>
Dear David

PS, do circulate the link in advance, so everyone can read it beforehand) 

With best wishes,

Dipak Kalra

On 14 Jan 2015, at 12:15, David Moner <dam...@gmail.com> wrote:

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