per-node-class device.hints for Frisbee ?

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Apr 17, 2023, 2:23:34 PM4/17/23
to emulab-admins

We started seeing some HDD failures on older nodes, where it affected the drive ordering that Frisbee sees, where the intended OS drive destination (ada2) then becomes ada1 instead.  (The OS is on a SATA DOM, whose controller comes after the one attached to the 3.5" drive bays)

Some experimenting with BSD loader, the following prevents those HDDs from showing up to Frisbee at all, so in theory could just change bootdisk_unit=0 while other channels disabled via:
  set hint.ahcich.0.disabled="1" 
  set hint.ahcich.1.disabled="1" 

I noticed there is a /tftpboot/frisbee-64/boot/device.hints file, but I wasn't sure where edits should be made, especially if I want to modify only 1 node-class.  
Would I just have to duplicate FRISBEE-64-MFS OSID to point to a different /tftpboot location?
What determines which OSIDs show in the diskloadmfs_osid drop-down list?
Do I need to run "prepare" in the new location after edits?

Or is there something that can use pxe_boot_path, since that is already node-class-specific?

Maybe the device.hints approach is wrong - is there a way to tell frisbee to use a drive attached to a particular ahci channel instead of "ada#" ?

Thanks in advance!
Jason Boles

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