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Still Emulab Installation available on FreeBSD 12.3 ?

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May 9, 2024, 3:05:16 PM5/9/24
to emulab-admins
Hello Emulab admins, 

I have been trying to build a new Emulab system from the beginning. 
I followed the steps described in Emulab devel wiki page, ( for Installing Emulab on ops and boss.

But I am doubting now still Emulab installation is possible on FreeBSD 12.3, which is EoL(End of LIfe) on March 2023.
Even though this wiki provides Emulab Server Pre-built Package tarball, and Port-Collection (, Standard FreeBSD 12.3 seems not able to access either official or mirrored repository to update pkg manager or port as well.

So I doubt that Emulab installation from the scratch is still possible on FreeBSD 12.3 Standard version. (not only accessing repository, but also overall installation on FreeBSD 12.3)

Does anybody recently install Emulab software successfully or have an experience similar to these issues ?

(Below is the logs that pkg and port collection had errors of not accessible to the repo or no support message)

root@boss:~ # pkg
The package management tool is not yet installed on your system.
Do you want to fetch and install it now? [y/N]: y
Bootstrapping pkg from pkg+, please wait...
pkg: Error fetching Not Found
A pre-built version of pkg could not be found for your system.
Consider changing PACKAGESITE or installing it from ports: 'ports-mgmt/pkg'.

root@ops3:/usr/ports/devel/pkgconf # make install
===> Building/installing portconfig as it is required for the config dialog
===>  Cleaning for portconfig-0.6.1_1
/!\ ERROR: /!\

Ports Collection support for your FreeBSD version has ended, and no ports are
guaranteed to build on this system. Please upgrade to a supported release.

No support will be provided if you silence this message by defining

*** Error code 1

make[3]: stopped in /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portconfig
*** Error code 1

May 22, 2024, 8:07:13 PM5/22/24
to emulab-admins
I'm building emulab recently. Now I'm in the step of configuring switch snmp function.
The pkg cmd also confused me for a while which was several months ago. I remember that after I had successfully configured the network connection and set the time correctly, the issue was resolved.

Jun 4, 2024, 10:45:28 PM6/4/24
to emulab-admins
The issue is mainly that the network connection after FreeBSD OS installation was not able to be established to the repositories and mirrors for the release 12.3.
Would you be more specific about when you commented, 
  > "I had successfully configured the network connection and set the time correctly, the issue was resolved."

and also, you said several months ago, can you please check whether it also works these days when a freshly installed version(12.3) is able to connect to the repository if I can ask you a favor ?


Jun 5, 2024, 12:35:54 AM6/5/24
to emulab-admins
According to this wiki page,  "Please do not update any of the Emulab-installed packages other than from the Emulab repository". If we use the pkg  repository of freebsd 12.3, we should use the repository from  Emulab.
Use the cmd to update package repository.
pkg upgrade -r Emulab
So the problem we should solve is that the pkg cmd itself is not worked after a fresh install of freebsd 12.3.
I can't remember it clearly how I get through the problem. I just found two pieces of notes about it.
1) pkg bootstrap -f
2) tar zxf pkg.tar.gz -C /var/tmp
So if you have internet connection, 1) cmd may work. Or you can't download pkg.tar.gz to your server, and install it offline.
Hope it helps.
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