tftp process does not load MFS

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Brenton Walker

Jul 5, 2019, 9:55:58 AM7/5/19
to emulab-admins
Dear emulab admins,
    We are setting up a "development" emulab using FreeBSD 10.3 and the latest stable checkout from the git repository.  We are having a problem where the pxeboot process loads the pxeboot.emu file, starts the loader, but then hangs.  It seems that boss does not tell it what MFS to load.  We can type the loader command manually on the node.  That works, but is not practical to do always.

To debug we have compared the process in our production emulab to the new one.  This is how it goes when we try to add a new node.  Both the old and new systems load pxeboot.emu properly.  On both systems the node sends a UDP packet to port 6969 on boss.  The packets are identical. 0x01000100 and then all zeros.  On the production system, boss responds with a UDP packet containing the path of the MFS to load.  On the new system boss responds with an ICMP packet type 3, code 3 (port unreachable).  We see nothing in /usr/testbed/log/bootinfo.log.  In tftpd.log we see the request for pxeboot.emu, but nothing else.

Is there any idea what could cause this, or any tips for how we can debug it further?

This is a non-production system we'll use for testing, so If the simplest solution is to start over from scratch, please say so.

Here is some relevant info on out installation, if it is any help.

FreeBSD version:
FreeBSD boss 10.3-RELEASE FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE #0 r297264: Fri Mar 25 02:10:02 UTC 2016

pkg info:

git revision: (we originally installed off of a slightly older version, but updated to this to see if it would fix the issue)
commit b2a42c60199a7797c304d499e1772881622b26c6 (HEAD -> master, tag: stable-20190306, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Leigh B Stoller <stoller@XXXX>
Date:   Tue Mar 5 07:13:30 2019 -0700

ports tarball:


Mike Hibler

Jul 5, 2019, 12:59:04 PM7/5/19
It sounds like the bootinfo daemon is not running on your new boss node.

FYI, FreeBSD 11.2 is the "current" base for the servers, but I have not
updated the install documents. If this will eventually be more than just
a test environment, we should get you running on that. I will get the
Wiki docs updated.
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