Suggestions Needed for an EMFUI Example Manuscript

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Daniel Yacob

Oct 25, 2018, 2:02:46 PM10/25/18
Greetings All,

To help demonstrate what new font technology is capable of, and to highlight what the EMUFI project can achieve, I'd like to produce an example document that makes the case.

Ideally, a full document would be produced from a manuscript that had many cases of the special letters forms, such as for the rubricated numbers and punctuation, not available in current fonts.

I'm partial to this manuscript of Genesis at the British Library:

but it is a bit long. Can anyone here recommend a shorter manuscript, perhaps 20 pages or less?  A longer manuscript would be fine if it is already typed, and then only needs the symbol substitutions.

Please suggest a manuscript that you think would make a good example.



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