michelixtract problem

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Oda Toshiyuki

Mar 16, 2019, 3:04:30 AM3/16/19
to emspring
Dear Neville,

   I tried to test michelixtract with a tif image and a reference hdf, but the program got stuck at 1% without giving any obvious errors.
Outputs are pasted below. Please let me know what is wrong. Thank you.

Best regards,

Toshiyuki Oda

Toshiyuki Oda Ph.D.
Department of Anatomy and Structural Biology,
Graduate School of Medicine
University of Yamanashi
1110 Shimokato, Chuo, Yamanashi JAPAN 409-3898
Phone:+81-55-273-6743 email:to...@yamanashi.ac.jp


spring --version && springenv python -c 'import platform; print platform.platform()'
Spring environment loaded.
GUI from package Emspring-0.86.1661
Spring environment loaded.
Beginning of the program michelixtrace (Emspring v0.86.1661): Fri, 15 Mar 2019 09:22:09
############################################ INPUT ############################################

INFO:startlog:The following input parameters have been received:
INFO:startlog:Micrographs                              = /oda1/oda/spring_test/tfc_18-2_0007_Jan18_12_13_44_noDW.mrc
INFO:startlog:Diagnostic plot pattern                  = test.pdf
INFO:startlog:Helix reference                          = /oda1/oda/spring_test/TFC_job305_run_class001_2d.hdf
INFO:startlog:Invert option                            = True
INFO:startlog:Estimated helix width in Angstrom        = 200
INFO:startlog:Pixel size in Angstrom                   = 1.358
INFO:startlog:Binning option                           = True
INFO:startlog:Binning factor                           = 4
INFO:startlog:Tile size power spectrum in Angstrom     = 500
INFO:startlog:Tile overlap in percent                  = 80
INFO:startlog:Alpha threshold cc-map                   = 0.001
INFO:startlog:Absolute threshold option cc-map         = False
INFO:startlog:Absolute threshold cc-map                = 0.2
INFO:startlog:Order fit                                = 2
INFO:startlog:Minimum and maximum helix length         = (500, 1500)
INFO:startlog:Pruning cutoff bending                   = 2.0
INFO:startlog:Box file coordinate step                 = 70.0
INFO:startlog:Compute performance score                = False
INFO:startlog:Parameter search option                  = False
INFO:startlog:Manually traced helix file               = mic.box
INFO:startlog:MPI option                               = True
INFO:startlog:Number of CPUs                           = 1
INFO:startlog:Temporary directory                      = /oda1/oda/spring_test/temp
############################################ START ############################################
INFO:startlog:progress state: 1 %  [>                                        ]
INFO:oda:The following temporary directories were made:
rank_id  node_name      process_id  directory                                                   space_required
---------  -----------  ------------  ----------------------------------------------------------  ----------------
0  oda1                13567  /oda1/oda/spring_test/temp/oda-15_Mar_2019_09_22_09-13567/  1.00GB

INFO:CPU0:startup_scan_mpi_programs:The following nodes will handle the following micrographs:
node_id  micrographs
---------  -----------------------------------------------------------
0  /oda1/oda/spring_test/tfc_18-2_0007_Jan18_12_13_44_noDW.mrc
INFO:oda:/net/beetle/home/app/spring_v0-86-1661/parts/openmpi/bin/mpirun -np 1 /net/beetle/home/app/spring_v0-86-1661/bin/springenv /net/beetle/home/app/spring_v0-86-1661/bin/python cleanup.py
logged on Fri, 15 Mar 2019 09:22:10

Carsten Sachse

Mar 22, 2019, 5:24:10 AM3/22/19
to emspring
Dear Toshiyuki,

Sorry for the delayed response. Right now, the error message is not very telling. Could you save your parameters from the GUI in a text file and run the entire process from the command line using:
michelixtrace --f parameter file

and provide me with the output? The GUI seems to swallow some error messages. Thanks.

Best wishes,


On Saturday, 16 March 2019 08:04:30 UTC+1, Oda Toshiyuki wrote:
Dear Neville,

   I tried to test michelixtract with a tif image and a reference hdf, but the program got stuck at 1% without giving any obvious errors.
Outputs are pasted below. Please let me know what is wrong. Thank you.

Best regards,

Toshiyuki Oda

Toshiyuki Oda Ph.D.
Department of Anatomy and Structural Biology,
Graduate School of Medicine
University of Yamanashi
1110 Shimokato, Chuo, Yamanashi JAPAN 409-3898

Oda Toshiyuki

Mar 22, 2019, 5:45:55 AM3/22/19
to emspring
Dear Carsten,

     The error was about wrong value of Tile size power spectrum.

ValueError: Chosen reference size (434 Angstrom) is smaller than specified tile size of 500 Angstrom. Please increase reference or decrease tile size.

I changed the value to 300 A, and now it's working. Thank you very much for the advice.



2019年3月22日金曜日 18時24分10秒 UTC+9 Carsten Sachse:
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