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Siggridexplore popup window does not open

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Mar 13, 2018, 4:00:29 AM3/13/18
to emspring
Hi Carsten

I am trying to run Siggridexplore with default parameters using a grid.db file created by Segclassreconstruct as an input file.

The progress bar gets to 10% and I see a popup window opening.  This window closes immediately and nothing else happens.  How should I diagnose the problem further?

spring --version && springenv
Spring environment loaded.
GUI from package Emspring-0.86.1661
Spring environment loaded.
EMAN 2.1 alpha2 (CVS 2013/08/07 17:01:09)
Your EMAN2 is running on:  Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS 4.13.0-32-generic x86_64
Your Python version is:  2.7.2

Carsten Sachse

Mar 13, 2018, 5:11:51 AM3/13/18
to emspring
Hi Juha,

I assume this is an error in the composition of the grid.db Is it possible that your SEGCLASSRECONSTRUCT run did not appropriately finish and some nodes crashed? This would result in an incomplete grid.db and SEGGRIDEXPLORE would have a hard time reading it.

For a more verbose output of an error message, you can run SEGGRIDEXPLORE from the command line. The GUI tends to swallow some error messages.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes,

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