Server configuration?

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Chris Keller

May 14, 2015, 10:45:03 AM5/14/15
tl;dr Are there any known limitations or sensitivities for serving Emscripten-based libraries on the web? I'm specifically wondering about caching and gzip/other encoding issues.

The long version: I'm working on a project which uses the Emscripten-based library texlive.js. Everything works perfectly when testing locally with Node.js http-server, but when serving off of Google App Engine, I've run into problems. First, I was seeing some binary files being partially populated in the virtual file system. The file content was plaintext and not gzipped, but the file was truncated suspiciously close to the gzipped content-length. After disabling gzip encoding, that issue has gone away. Now I'm observing correct behavior the first time I use the library after purging the browser cache, but the second time I try to use it, the files are empty in the VFS. Is it possible that 304 Not Modified responses are not reading cached file content into the VFS?

I've been able to reproduce this in both Chrome and Firefox.

Chris Keller

May 14, 2015, 11:02:04 AM5/14/15
Huh, well now that I've posted this, I'm not seeing the 304 Not Modified caching problems. But I'd still like to hear your thoughts about gzip and any other browser configuration issues that might exist.

Chris Keller

May 14, 2015, 12:07:08 PM5/14/15
It looks like I somehow forced AppEngine to serve 200's with content, but I'm not sure how. Cached responses/304's might still be a problem for Emscripten in general.
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