Problems build and running the ngspice circuit simulator.

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Sam Reid

Jan 2, 2014, 1:38:59 PM1/2/14
Hi there, I am attempting to build and run the ngspice circuit simulator under emscripten.  I posted previously under a more specific thread topic "linker problem" but after resolving that I am hitting other issues I was hoping you could help with, so I decided to start a new thread.

I'm using clang (and llvm) 3.2 with emscripten 1.7.8 on OSX 10.9.1.

My current problem is that "sigsetjmp" and a few other symbols are unresolved, even though they appear to exist in the configure step.

I'm building the project as described in  When I run the configure step 'emconfigure ../configure', it reports:
checking whether isnan is declared... yes
checking for sigsetjmp... yes
checking libiberty.h usability... no

So it appears that sigsetjmp is discovered by the configure process.  After 'emmake make' succeeds, I copy the binary file 'ngspice' to 'ngspice.o' (not sure if that's the right thing to do), and run the emcc compiler on ngspice.o.  This reports:

Sams-MacBook-Air:src samreid$ emcc ngspice.o -o ngspice.js
warning: unresolved symbol: sigsetjmp
warning: unresolved symbol: llvm_dbg_value
warning: unresolved symbol: siglongjmp
warning: unresolved symbol: logb
warning: Casting a function pointer type to a potentially incompatible one (use -s VERBOSE=1 to see more)
warning: See for more information on dangerous function pointer casts
warning: Casting a function pointer type to a potentially incompatible one (use -s VERBOSE=1 to see more)
warning: See for more information on dangerous function pointer casts
sourcemapper: Unable to find original file for ../../../../src/spicelib/devices/dev.c at /Users/samreid/src/spicelib/devices/dev.c

Note it said a few symbols are unresolved, though it does create a 30+MB js file.  After manually fixing TOTAL_MEMORY (by doubling it in the js file), when I run under node, it fails with that error:

Sams-MacBook-Air:src samreid$ node ngspice.js
exception thrown: ReferenceError: _sigsetjmp is not defined,ReferenceError: _sigsetjmp is not defined
    at _baseaddr (/Users/samreid/Downloads/ngspice-25/release/src/ngspice.js:43834:2)
    at _init_rlimits (/Users/samreid/Downloads/ngspice-25/release/src/ngspice.js:43798:9)
    at Object._main (/Users/samreid/Downloads/ngspice-25/release/src/ngspice.js:7086:2)
    at Object.callMain (/Users/samreid/Downloads/ngspice-25/release/src/ngspice.js:941255:30)
    at doRun (/Users/samreid/Downloads/ngspice-25/release/src/ngspice.js:941295:25)
    at run (/Users/samreid/Downloads/ngspice-25/release/src/ngspice.js:941308:5)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/samreid/Downloads/ngspice-25/release/src/ngspice.js:941351:1)
    at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:356:32)

      throw e;
Any ideas?  I’m a bit stuck!


Alon Zakai

Jan 2, 2014, 8:00:04 PM1/2/14
We have a few cases where stuff exists in headers but is not implemented - because we use headers from musl, but have a js implementation that is not 100% comprehensive yet.

If you have a simple way to edit the configure step to manually fail those tests, that could be the easiest workaround. Or, locally edit the system/include headers to remove them.

Perhaps we should remove stuff from headers that is not implemented yet, but we try to not modify the musl headers to keep things close to upstream.

- Alon

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Sam Reid

Jan 4, 2014, 1:34:22 AM1/4/14

You are brilliant!  I modified the `configure` to fail the sigsetjmp test and it solved that problem.  I am subsequently running into downstream problems (looks file i/o related) which I can continue to investigate.

Thanks again for your help,
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