[RuntimeError: unreachable] Retrieving from async function in C++

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fidel espanto

1:46 AM (3 hours ago) 1:46 AM
to emscripten-discuss
I'm trying to call an async function, 'isConfigSupported' from WebCodecs API.

Here is what I did in C++,
val VideoDecoder = val::global("VideoDecoder");
   ConfigCodec* config = new ConfigCodec(); // some struct
   config->codec = "vp8";
   config->codedWidth = 640;
   config->codedHeight = 480;

   val result = VideoDecoder.call<val>("isConfigSupported", config).await();
   if (result["supported"].as<bool>()) {
         console.log("Codec is supported");
   } else {
         console.error("Codec is not supported");

I have compiled emcc with this additional option, '-O3 -sASYNCIFY' as stated in the documentation.

The result is 'Codec is supported', however, I get an error in the console logs,
wasmapi.wasm:0x1e79f Uncaught (in promise) RuntimeError: unreachable
    at wasmapi.wasm:0x1e79f
    at wasmapi.wasm:0x1ca34
    at wasmapi.wasm:0x118be
    at ret.<computed> (wasmapi.js:1:87071)
    at Object.doRewind (wasmapi.js:1:88672)
    at wasmapi.js:1:89246

Did I miss something? What does this error mean?
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