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Time to Create Your Year!!!

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Means Davis, Career Coach

Nov 28, 2012, 12:22:04 PM11/28/12



It’s Time to Create Your Year!

“If you’re waiting for a sign…this is it!!”

 Your customized ANNUAL POWERPLAN Session!!

Create your Annual Plan for the New Year!   Set yourself up for success – the PowerPlan and Annual Results Manager is your map for a consciously created life.  Reach your goals, and bring your vision into reality.

Powerfully create the year - what are your goals?  What dreams will you fulfill?  What are you ready to create for yourself, your family, your company, your community? 

Let's get started!!  This 2 hour, one-on-one coaching session is your access to personal and professional success.  We’ll look at your goals, and map out the path to reaching them.  We’ll look at the Results to be produced, and the Actions to take to produce those results, all within our Results Manager life management system.

What's important to you?  What are the areas of your life in which you want to be consciously causing your future?  Now’s the time to move your dreams forward into reality;  Choose NOW to begin powerfully living a life you love TODAY!


Get Started!

Step One:

Make your one-time payment of $250 online by clicking the Empowered Enterprises logo below, then scrolling to the bottom of the home page to process your payment:


Step Two:

Reply to this email to schedule your Annual PowerPlan Session!!

(Sessions available via Skype, Webex, or in person)



Questions?  Want more information on how it works?  It is always our pleasure to speak with you in person, so feel free to give us a call!



Empowered Enterprises International, llc                           (678) 399-3585                           

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