Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series Reset Key

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Regina Ditchfield

Dec 9, 2023, 10:29:09 AM12/9/23
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Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series Reset Key: What You Need to Know

If you are a fan of Motorsport Manager, you might have heard of the Endurance Series DLC, which adds a new challenge and gameplay mode to the game. In this mode, you can manage endurance races that last for hours or even days, with different rules and strategies than the regular races. You can also customize your cars and drivers with new parts and skills, and compete in different championships and events.

Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series reset key

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However, there is one feature of the Endurance Series DLC that might confuse or frustrate some players: the reset key. This is a mechanism that resets the performance of your parts every few seasons, depending on the series you are in. This means that you will lose some of the advantages you have gained from developing your parts over time, and you will have to start from scratch again.

Why does this happen? How does it work? And how can you deal with it? In this article, we will answer these questions and give you some tips and tricks on how to use the reset key in Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series.

Why Does the Reset Key Exist?

The reset key is a feature that was introduced in Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series to add more realism and challenge to the game. The developers wanted to simulate the real-life regulations and changes that affect the motorsport industry every few years, such as new rules, standards, or technologies.

For example, in real life, the FIA (the governing body of motorsport) often changes the technical regulations for Formula 1 every few seasons, to improve safety, performance, or entertainment. These changes can affect the design, engine, aerodynamics, tires, or fuel of the cars, forcing the teams to adapt and innovate.

The reset key is a way of replicating this effect in Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series. It prevents the game from becoming too easy or boring after a while, by resetting the performance of your parts every few seasons. This way, you will have to face new challenges and opportunities every time, and keep improving your team and car.

How Does the Reset Key Work?

The reset key works differently depending on the series you are in. There are six series in Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series: European Racing Series (ERS), Asia-Pacific Super Cup (APS), World Motorsport Championship (WMC), GT Challenger Series (GTC), International GT Championship (IGTC), and International Endurance Championship (IEC).

Each series has a maximum performance value for each part type (engine, brakes, suspension, gearbox, etc.). This value represents the highest level of performance that a part can reach in that series. For example, in ERS, the maximum performance value for engines is 900.

If you develop your parts beyond this value, they will be reset at the end of the season. This means that their performance will be reduced to a lower value, depending on how much they exceeded the maximum value. For example, if you have an engine with 950 performance in ERS, it will be reset to 200 at the end of the season.

However, if your parts are below a minimum performance value for each part type in each series, they will not be reset. This means that you can keep your parts at a low level of performance without losing them at the end of the season. For example, in ERS, the minimum performance value for engines is 300.

The reset key also affects your rivals' parts. This means that all teams will have their parts reset at the same time if they exceed the maximum performance value for their series. This creates a more balanced and competitive environment for all teams.

How to Deal with the Reset Key?

The reset key can be a challenge or an opportunity depending on how you deal with it. Here are some tips and tricks on how to use the reset key in Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series:

    • Plan ahead: The reset key is not a surprise. You can see when it will happen by looking at the calendar icon next to each part type in your car design screen. You can also see how much your parts will be reset by hovering over them with your mouse cursor. This way, you can plan ahead and decide when and how much to invest in your parts development.
    • Choose your series wisely: The reset key works differently for each series. Some series have higher or lower maximum and minimum performance values than others. Some series also have more frequent or less frequent resets than others. For example, WMC has higher maximum values but also more frequent resets than ERS. You should choose your series based on your preferences and goals.
    • Balance your parts: The reset key affects all part types equally. This means that if you focus too much on one part type and neglect others, you might lose more performance than you gain after a reset. You should try to balance your parts development and keep them close to each other in terms of performance.
    • Use modifiers: The reset key only affects the base performance of your parts. It does not affect any modifiers that you add to your parts using sponsors or HQ facilities. For example, if you have a sponsor that gives you +50 performance for engines for one season, this bonus will not be affected by the reset key. You should use modifiers wisely to boost your parts performance without risking a reset.
    • Take risks: The reset key can also be an opportunity to take risks and try new things. If you know that your parts will be reset soon anyway

    What are the Best Tips and Tricks for Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series?

    Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series is a DLC that adds a new challenge and gameplay mode to the game. In this mode, you can manage endurance races that last for hours or even days, with different rules and strategies than the regular races. You can also customize your cars and drivers with new parts and skills, and compete in different championships and events.

    However, managing endurance races is not easy. You will have to deal with factors such as tire wear, fuel consumption, driver fatigue, weather changes, pit stops, and more. You will also have to cope with the reset key, which resets the performance of your parts every few seasons, depending on the series you are in.

    How can you succeed in Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series? Here are some of the best tips and tricks for this mode:

      • Choose your drivers carefully: Drivers are very important in endurance races, as they have to drive for long periods of time without losing concentration or making mistakes. You should look for drivers with high stamina, focus, smoothness, and consistency. You should also consider their skills and traits, such as tire conservation, fuel efficiency, overtaking, or wet weather ability.
      • Manage your driver strategy: You can choose between two driver strategies in endurance races: single stint or double stint. Single stint means that your driver will drive for one stint (a fixed number of laps) and then switch with another driver. Double stint means that your driver will drive for two stints in a row and then switch with another driver. Single stint is safer and less stressful for your drivers, but it costs more time and money in pit stops. Double stint is riskier and more demanding for your drivers, but it saves time and money in pit stops. You should choose your driver strategy based on your drivers' abilities and preferences, as well as the race conditions.
      • Optimize your car setup: Car setup is crucial in endurance races, as it affects the performance and reliability of your car. You should optimize your car setup for each track and weather condition, taking into account factors such as downforce, gear ratios, suspension, brakes, ride height, camber, toe, tire pressure, and more. You should also test your car setup before each race to make sure it works well.
      • Monitor your car status: Your car status is displayed on the bottom right corner of the screen during a race. It shows the condition of your tires, fuel level, engine temperature, gearbox wear, suspension wear, brake wear, and aerodynamics wear. You should monitor your car status regularly and make adjustments accordingly. For example, if your tires are worn out, you should pit for new tires. If your fuel level is low, you should refuel. If your engine temperature is high, you should lower your engine mode. If your gearbox wear is high

      What are the Best Mods for Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series?

      Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series is a DLC that adds a new challenge and gameplay mode to the game. In this mode, you can manage endurance races that last for hours or even days, with different rules and strategies than the regular races. You can also customize your cars and drivers with new parts and skills, and compete in different championships and events.

      However, if you want to enhance your experience even more, you might want to try some of the mods that are available for Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series. Mods are modifications that add new features, content, or changes to the game. They can improve the graphics, gameplay, realism, or variety of the game.

      There are many mods for Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series, but here are some of the best ones that we recommend:

        • Fire Fantasy 2021: This mod adds a complete overhaul of the game, with new teams, drivers, sponsors, liveries, rules, and more. It also adds new series such as Formula E, Formula 2, Formula 3, and W Series. It also updates the game to the 2021 season, with realistic performance and ratings for all teams and drivers.
        • Endurance Mod: This mod adds more realism and immersion to the endurance races, with new features such as driver swaps, night racing, weather changes, safety cars, and more. It also adds new series such as Le Mans Series, World Endurance Championship, IMSA SportsCar Championship, and more.
        • Realistic Sponsors Mod: This mod replaces the generic sponsors in the game with real-life sponsors from various industries and countries. It also adds more variety and diversity to the sponsor offers and contracts.
        • Realistic Names Mod: This mod replaces the fake names of the teams and drivers in the game with their real-life counterparts. It also adds more realism and accuracy to their nationalities, ages, skills, and traits.
        • Realistic Liveries Mod: This mod replaces the default liveries of the cars in the game with realistic and detailed liveries based on real-life teams and manufacturers. It also adds more customization options for your own team's livery.

        These are some of the best mods for Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series that we recommend. You can find them on Steam Workshop or other websites such as RaceDepartment or Nexus Mods. You can also create your own mods using the modding tools provided by the developers.


        Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series is a DLC that adds a new challenge and gameplay mode to the game. In this mode, you can manage endurance races that last for hours or even days, with different rules and strategies than the regular races. You can also customize your cars and drivers with new parts and skills, and compete in different championships and events.

        However, you will also have to deal with the reset key, which resets the performance of your parts every few seasons, depending on the series you are in. This feature adds more realism and challenge to the game, but it can also be frustrating or confusing for some players.

        In this article, we have explained what the reset key is, how it works, and how you can deal with it. We have also given you some tips and tricks on how to succeed in Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series. We have also recommended some of the best mods for Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series that can enhance your experience even more.

        We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback about Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series or its reset key feature


        Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series is a DLC that adds a new challenge and gameplay mode to the game. In this mode, you can manage endurance races that last for hours or even days, with different rules and strategies than the regular races. You can also customize your cars and drivers with new parts and skills, and compete in different championships and events.

        However, you will also have to deal with the reset key, which resets the performance of your parts every few seasons, depending on the series you are in. This feature adds more realism and challenge to the game, but it can also be frustrating or confusing for some players.

        In this article, we have explained what the reset key is, how it works, and how you can deal with it. We have also given you some tips and tricks on how to succeed in Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series. We have also recommended some of the best mods for Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series that can enhance your experience even more.

        We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback about Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series or its reset key feature, feel free to leave a comment below or contact us. Thank you for reading and happy racing!

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