Shabbos Tzetl: Korach & Shabbat Rosh Chodesh

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Jul 4, 2024, 6:36:22ā€ÆPMJul 4
to e2
4:56pmĀ - Candle Lighting, Friday
5:57pmĀ - Havdalah, Saturday
(Melbourne Australia)
Eruv Status:Ā KOSHERĀ
Good Shabbos!

Yeshivah Shule Tzetel
Numbers 16:1ā€“18:32
The name of the Parshah, "Korach," refers to Korach, head of the rebellion against Moses and Aaron, and is found in Numbers 16:1.
Korach incites a mutiny challenging Mosesā€™ leadership and the granting of the kehunah (priesthood) to Aaron. He is accompanied by Mosesā€™ inveterate foes, Dathan and Abiram. Joining them are 250 distinguished members of the community, who offer the sacrosanct ketoret (incense) to prove their worthiness for the priesthood. The earth opens up and swallows the mutineers, and a fire consumes the ketoret-offerers.
A subsequent plague is stopped by Aaronā€™s offering of ketoret. Aaronā€™s staff miraculously blossoms and brings forth almonds, to prove that his designation as high priest is divinely ordained.
Gā€‘d commands that a terumah (ā€œupliftingā€) from each crop of grain, wine and oil, as well as all firstborn sheep and cattle, and other specified gifts, be given to the kohanim (priests).

Isaiah 66:1ā€“24
This haftorah, read whenever Shabbat coincides with Rosh Chodesh, mentions how in the messianic era, every Shabbat and every Rosh Chodesh everyone will come to the Temple to worship Gā€‘d.
In this prophecy Isaiah tells us how Gā€‘d (who is too great to be fully contained in physical space, even in the Temple) pays attention to the humble Gā€‘d-fearing person, and rejects a person who does (or even intends) evil.
The prophet continues to foretell the fortune that will come upon Jerusalem (and the Jewish nation) in the time to come, and how even non-Jews will come to recognize Gā€‘d and assist in restoring the Jewish people to their land and their Temple.


And On the son of Peleth (16:1)

Said Rav: On the son of Peleth was saved by his wife. She said to him, ā€œWhat matters it to you? Whether the one remains leader or the other becomes leader, you will be but a follower.ā€ Said he: ā€œBut what can I do? I have taken part in their counsel, and they have sworn me to be with them.ā€Ā .Ā .Ā . She said: ā€œSit here, and I will save you.ā€ She gave him wine to drink, intoxicated him, and put him to bed within [the tent]. Then she sat down at the entrance and loosened her hair. Whoever came [to summon him] saw her and retreated.

Meanwhile, Korachā€™s wife joined in and said to him: ā€œSee what Moses has done! He himself has become king; his brother he appointed high priest; his brotherā€™s sons he has made the viceā€“high priests. IfĀ terumahĀ is brought, he decrees: Let it be for the priest. If the tithe is brought, which belongs to you [i.e., to the Levite], he orders: Give a tenth part thereof to the priest. Moreover, he has had your hair cut off (cf.Ā Numbers 8:7)Ā and makes sport of you as though you were dirtĀ .Ā .Ā . for he was jealous of your hair.ā€ Said he to her, ā€œBut he has done likewise!ā€ She replied, ā€œSince all the greatness was his, he said also, ā€˜Let me die with the Philistinesā€™Ā .Ā .Ā .ā€

Thus it is written, ā€œA wise woman builds her houseā€ (Proverbs 14:1)ā€”this refers to the wife of On the son of Peleth; ā€œbut the foolish woman destroys it with her handsā€ (ibid.)ā€”this refers to Korachā€™s wife.

(Talmud, Sanhedrin 109b)

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