Prayer Requests

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Miriam Elliott

Sep 9, 2022, 2:20:08 PM9/9/22
I shared about this last Sun at church but wanted everyone else to know of our need for prayers. 
My partner of 27 years, Mark, was hospitalized for 3 days 8/25-8/28 due to a TIA, precursor to a stroke. His symptoms resolved quickly but they wanted to do a neuro workup and CT scans so he was admitted from the ER. Unfortunately the scans showed a mass in his throat/neck that was biopsied. We later learned it is cancer. Wouldn't have know if he hadn't had the TIA. At first they thought the mass restricted an artery & caused it but later ruled that out.
This coming Monday we go to oncology to learn about the treatment plan. We were informed a few days ago by phone that it will likely be a combination of radiation & chemo, surgery isn't being considered at this time. He also has an echocardiogram scheduled for 9/15 due to bradycardia (slow heart rate) seen on his ECG's. And an MRI on 9/22 to rule out an actual stroke or any damage. He was supposed to have cataract surgery this month but his primary care dr wanted him to cancel that to concentrate on the cancer treatment. He already suffers greatly from constant severe back pain that lots of interventions barely keeps manageable (he never feels well enough to come to church) so this is all going to be challenging for him--and me. 
At the same time Mark with in the hospital my daughter Heather had a mental health crisis. She lives in Durham, NC where she moved in April from Florida. She was suicidal, cops called, taken to hospital/behavioral health ER at Duke Regional Hospital. She got stabilized & out the next day. She resisted the police, no longer had access to her phone so one agonizing overnight I didn't know if she was in jail or the hospital. She has been doing pretty good since and we talk most days as we work on a plan to get follow up care and benefits. (I don't really get to retire from social work!) She used to be in Winter Park, a 2 hour drive. Now an 8 hour drive away & with Mark's issues I can't go be of support. 
Please pray for us. This has been especially difficult following so closely behind the murder of family member Adam that we're still traumatized about. 
Your support is appreciated. 
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