Fwd: Fw: FRIDAY BULLETIN | We have exciting news!

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Richrd MacMaster

Sep 9, 2022, 11:33:35 AM9/9/22
to emmanuel-men...@googlegroups.com

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Macmaster,Richard <rmac...@ufl.edu>
Date: Fri, Sep 9, 2022 at 11:21 AM
Subject: Fw: FRIDAY BULLETIN | We have exciting news!
To: Dr. Richard Macmaster <macmas...@gmail.com>

From: Hannah Redekop, CPT <peace...@cpt.org>
Sent: Friday, September 9, 2022 11:10 AM
To: Macmaster,Richard <rmac...@ufl.edu>
Subject: FRIDAY BULLETIN | We have exciting news!
[External Email]
Community Peacemaker Teams Friday Bulletin Banner with CPT Logo

9 September 2022

We are so excited to share with you that we as CPT have been selected as the 2023 recipients of the Community of Christ and Shaw Family Foundation’s International Peace Award!


The award recognizes our commitment to transformative nonviolence for over 35 years, honoring our diversity in representation of ethnicity, gender, and faith and our common struggle for abolishing poverty and ending human suffering.


CPT Administrative Director Muriel Schmid commented, “CPT is honored for the recognition this Peace Award represents. We receive it on behalf of all our partners who have resisted violence and oppression in creative and strong ways. We are grateful for the many years of solidarity accompaniment with them and for learning from them. We look forward to the world of peace we are all working toward.”


CPT joins a long list of awardees that includes Leymah Gbowee, Dolores Huerta and Father Virgilio Elizondo, to name a few. 


CPT will receive the award during the Community of Christ World Conference in April 2023.


Read the full press release here.


Hannah Redekop

CPT Editor & Social Media Manager



The End Cross Border Bombing Campaign reported this week another airstrike in Soran district (Erbil) on 5 September as part of Turkey's ongoing Claw Lock operation. 

According to local sources, four or more Katyusha rockets were fired around 8pm local time, luckily without resulting in any casualties, as confirmed by the mayor of Soran.


Read the most recent campaign report 


About two years ago, two of E.’s friends crossed from Turkey to Lesvos on a boat. E. and another friend came to Lesvos to make sure their two other friends would arrive safely on land to apply for asylum in Greece, as they were afraid that they could easily become another pushback incident. In Lesvos, E. and A. were arrested as “smugglers” while receiving their friends and were detained pending trial. Continue reading


A cpter in a red cap and jacket talks with a man wearing white (r)

August was a really intense month in Hebron. The new brigade was brutal and fearless to abuse, humiliate or shoot. But sometimes, soldiers can be “nice.” I find it amusing that we have learned to expect the worst from the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) so when they aren’t actively hurting people, they are considered nice!


Continue reading


CPT joined an action last weekend to protest the Toronto War Show (Air Show). War should never be entertainment! All weekend, people living in Toronto were subjected to the sound of war planes flying overhead. For too many, these sounds triggered flashbacks of trauma. 

To add to the above, we are in a climate crisis, we cannot afford to burn copious amounts of oil for show.



A cpter in a red cap and jacket talks with a man wearing white (r)

One year ago on 6 September, the spoon became a symbol of resistance for Palestinians when six political prisoners escaped from an Israeli high-security prison.


Today we stand with all Palestinian prisoners illegally detained under an oppressive regime and we continue to call for their freedom.




Palestine Delegation: November 3-14, 2022


Olive trees have always been symbols used to describe the resistance of Palestinians in their land, and the olive harvest season is the season that brings Palestinian families together and reminds them of the importance of defending their homeland.


Join a CPT Palestine delegation to learn how the Israeli occupation makes the yearly harvest harder for these families, but also experience how Palestinians still find joy their lives in the H2 area and the South Hebron Hills.


Application deadline: 5 October, 2022


Apply now!


An ad with a photo of a man wearing a red fleece and a green scarf smiling at the camera. To the left is text that reads ''Virtual speaking tour: September. Mohammed Saleh.'' In the top right corner is the CPT logo

Mohammed Saleh is a Kurdish activist who has worked with CPT for 15 years. The Iraqi Kurdistan team has been supporting families impacted by cross border bombings as well as local journalists being targeted by their own government.


This September 26-29, you can welcome Mohammed virtually into your living room, community centre, or church/temple/mosque basement! This is your chance to hear directly from our teams about how to promote peace and justice locally and internationally. 

Contact can...@cpt.org for more details to meet Mohammed!


The Guardian

Escape from Syria: Rania's odyssey

Five years later, Rania's escape from Syria still resonates today as people continue the dangerous journey across the Mediterranean.


ABC Podcasts

Stuff the British Stole

Throughout its reign, the British Empire stole a lot of stuff. Today those objects are housed in genteel institutions across the UK and the world. They usually come with polite plaques. This is a series about the not-so-polite history behind those objects. 


Brazil on Fire

Hosted by independent journalist Michael Fox in partnership with The Real News Network and NACLA, Brazil on Fire is the story of President Jair Bolsonaro’s rise, his far-right government that set the country ablaze, and how the United States helped him do it. 



“Billionaires Have Got to Go”: Labor Activists March to Bezos’s NYC Penthouse

“The way we’re organizing is real grassroots, nontraditional, new school, new generation of organizing, and that’s what it’s going to take to get these companies to bend a knee and come to the table,” ALU President Chris Smalls told protesters in front of Schultz’s building, per Gothamist.


The Narwhal

‘That river is full of life’: Wet’suwet’en celebrate return of salmon amidst threats to keystone species

When the salmon return to Wet’suwet’en territory in northwest B.C., the occasion is marked by celebration and ceremony. Protecting the waters and fish they rely on for their survival is a responsibility that goes back thousands of years.



How two-spirit people are 'coming in' to their communities

Cree professor says two-spirit is a ‘modern term that recognizes our ancient understandings of our identity.’


Tell Toronto City Council: Cancel the Toronto Air Show!

Write to the Toronto City Council, Mayor John Tory, Ontarian Provincial Legislators, and Ontarian Members of Parliament to petition the City Council to cancel this unnecessary advertisement for war. We are in a climate crisis, we cannot afford to burn copious amounts of oil for show, and we must respect the newcomer communities in Toronto who have experienced war and many are triggered by these shows.



Demand Amazon & Google Execs stop doing business with Israeli apartheid

We’re heeding the call from over 1000 Google and Amazon workers to rise up against Project Nimbus, a a $1.22 billion Amazon and Google contract to provide cloud technology to the Israeli government and military. Technology should be used to bring people together, not enable apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and settler-colonialism.


Tell the State Department: No F16s to Turkey!

CPT-Iraqi Kurdistan has been compiling data since 2015 on the cross-border bombings carried out by Turkey on villages in northern Iraqi Kurdistan. The US is selling war machines to Turkey despite these blatant crimes. Read the full report here and tell Secretary Blinken that it is unacceptable to continue weapons sales with Turkey.

Jewish Voice for Peace

WRITE NOW and tell Congress: Defend Palestinian Human Rights Organizations

On August 18th at dawn, the Israeli military attacked and welded shut the offices of seven prominent Palestinian human rights organizations. The Israeli government is openly and blatantly working to erase documentation and exposure of its violent apartheid regime. A regime that the U.S. funds with $3.8 billion every single year. We desperately need members of Congress to start speaking out NOW. 


If you are from the US, write to your member of Congress and tell them to join H.Res 751, a resolution to condemn this attack on Palestinians, and demand condemnation and accountability from the State Department.

Your donation helps build partnerships for peace.

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Community Peacemaker Teams
PO Box 6508
Chicago, IL 60680
(+1) 773-376-0550

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