Dear Philip,
I want to use EMF profiles in my research work, but I am currently stuck in the process. I seem to be unable to apply my profiles to my models. I would appreciate your help.
I got the following to work:
1. Create a Profile that has stereotypes extending Ecore entities like e.g. EClass.
2. Create a new Ecore Model (File -> New -> Ecore Diagram)
3. Create a profile application and apply stereotypes to my eclasses.
But I want to extend my own meta model, not the ecore meta model. Here is what I do:
1. Create an Ecore Model, which represents the meta model of my domain and generate all using the generator model.
2. Run a new Eclipse Instance that includes the generated editor.
The next steps are in the context of this new Eclipse instance.
3. Create a Profile that has stereotypes extending entities of my own meta model. The profile registeres correctly.
4. Create a new model conforming to my meta model (File -> New -> Other -> (Example EMF Model Creation Wizards) Here I choose my generated model creation wizard)
With this editor open, I cannot create a new profile application. The green plus icon and the one to the left of it are greyed out in the EMF Profile Applications view.
How am I supposed to apply profiles of my own meta model to the respective models?
Best regards