How to Show Photo message in Emesene

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Xiang Wang

Dec 13, 2012, 10:36:06 PM12/13/12
to Riccardo Bortolato,
Dear Ricardo Bortolato,

Sorry to bother you again  that , I was confused on how emesene to show received photo message and how to call the API to send a photo message.

Can u give me some samples.

Thanks in advance.


Best Regards~

Xiang Wang

CDC, TrendMicro

Riccardo (c10ud)

Dec 14, 2012, 4:22:38 AM12/14/12
to Xiang Wang,
it depends on what you intend with photo messages: we don't support putting pictures directly in the webkit view but we instead send them with a normal file-transfer. (It's a bit tricky but it's implemented in papylib and gtk)

However that's a different story for emoticons and custom emoticons: custom emoticons are received from peers, cached and then showed in the ui through some javascript hack (in the webkit webview) or some gtk tricks in the gtk textbox.


2012/12/14 Xiang Wang <>

Xiang Wang

Dec 15, 2012, 11:54:18 AM12/15/12
to Riccardo (c10ud),
Dear Riccard,

Hmm,  from your comments, It seems there is not a easy way to handle Pic message.

At present , I can fetch picture binary data from back end, Can I just show the picture in a communication box?

And I will implement a API which can Send picture just with its path as a parameter. I think this API just be called by file sent API in emesene level.

Riccardo (c10ud)

Dec 16, 2012, 4:39:46 PM12/16/12
to Xiang Wang,
it's not easy, but once you figure out the protocol part, i think you can reuse/adapt the custom-emoticon method, which i think it would suit your needs.
As for the "sending" part, you can just use the send file api and act accordingly in case you want to share a picture instead (so you don't have to add events/actions to emesene base protocol)


2012/12/15 Xiang Wang <>

Xiang Wang

Dec 20, 2012, 4:38:10 AM12/20/12
to Riccardo (c10ud),

What does the three parameter "_creator, _friendly, path" mean?
How can I call this function?

Xiang Wang

Dec 20, 2012, 4:42:08 AM12/20/12
to Riccardo (c10ud),
And I saw that this function is called only by MSN client to show custom emoticons.

Why not emesene provides a common interface to handle these picture data from network.
At last , it will call p2p_finished function any way.

Riccardo (c10ud)

Dec 20, 2012, 6:03:20 AM12/20/12
to Xiang Wang,
Unfortunately this has been engineered on top of msn protocol because it was the only one requiring it (and supported?) so it's kind of specific to this usage

However, you can see in papylib/

            shortcut, hash_ = emotes.insert_resized((short, msnobj._data),

            path = os.path.join(emotes.path, hash_)
            received[short] = path
            self.session.p2p_finished(account, 'emoticon', msnobj._creator,
                                      shortcut, path)

where creator is the sending buddy's email, shortcut is a shortcut for the emoticon (like :) is for smiley face) and path is the path where the image is cached

The output extensions will automatically get those p2p_finished events with 'emoticon' as type and handle them accordingly with their extra arguments:

$ grep -ri "'emoticon'" *
e3/papylib/            self.session.p2p_finished(account, 'emoticon', msnobj._creator,
gui/gtkui/        if _type == 'emoticon':
gui/gtkui/        if _type == 'emoticon':
gui/qt4ui/widgets/        if _type == 'emoticon':

I think you can easily reuse this facility to show whatever you want to, see how i'd do it for

    def update_p2p(self, account, _type, *what):
        ''' new p2p data has been received (custom emoticons) '''
        if _type == 'emoticon':
            _creator, _friendly, path = what
            _id = base64.b64encode(_creator+xml.sax.saxutils.unescape(_friendly)) #see gui/base/
            mystr = "var now=new Date();var x=document.images;for(var i=0;i<x.length;i++){if(x[i].name=='%s'){x[i].src='%s?'+now.getTime();}}" % (_id, path)
        elif _type == 'picture':
            new, expanded, arguments, tuple = what
            _id = base64.b64encode(_creator+xml.sax.saxutils.unescape(_friendly)) #see gui/base/
            mystr = "var now=new Date();var x=document.images;for(var i=0;i<x.length;i++){if(x[i].name=='%s'){x[i].src='%s?'+now.getTime();}}" % (_id, path)

the _id thing is just some data we create using buddy's email+emoticon's friendly name so if you have 10 emoticons in the same page with the same sender and shortcut they will all get updated by the subsequent javascript hack using that as an _id for distinguish them.

At the end of the day, you just need to:
1) implement the picture receiving function in your library
2) receive the picture and save it in emesene's cache
3) call the p2p_finished action with the arguments you'll need in the ui (e.g. new 'picture' type and some other stuff..)
4) handle the new 'picture' type in the output widgets as you please

2012/12/20 Xiang Wang <>

Riccardo (c10ud)

Dec 20, 2012, 6:07:29 AM12/20/12
to Xiang Wang,
I need to add that all of this works because in the received message text there's a placeholder for those incoming emoticons (not received yet), so you have to handle that stuff too

2012/12/20 Riccardo (c10ud) <>

Xiang Wang

Jan 21, 2013, 1:25:52 AM1/21/13
to Riccardo (c10ud),
Dear Riccardo,

Here is my callback function to show pic message,

But it did not work.

Would you please help to verify the code listed below?

   def _on_buddy_pic_message(self, message):
        '''handle the ceception of a picture message'''
        #print message
        data = json.loads(message)
        from_uin = str(data['from_uin'])
        account = from_uin
        import base64
        photo_bin = base64.b64decode(data['off_pic'])

        pictures = self.session.caches.get_picture_cache(account)

        photo_hash = hashlib.sha1()
        photo_hash = photo_hash.hexdigest()
        photo_path = os.path.join(pictures.path, photo_hash)

        if photo_hash not in pictures:
        print photo_path
        self.session.p2p_finished(account, 'emoticon', account, '---', photo_path)
        msgobj = e3.Message(e3.Message.TYPE_MESSAGE, 'picture', account)
        pict = {'---' : photo_path}
        if account in self.conversations:
            cid = self.conversations[account]
            cid = time.time()
            self.conversations[account] = cid
            self.rconversations[cid] = [account]
            self.session.conv_first_action(cid, [account])

        self.session.conv_message(cid, account, msgobj, pict)
        e3.Logger.log_message(self.session, None, msgobj, False)
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