Fwd: Failing!

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Paul Penczek

Jun 17, 2019, 2:21:03 PM6/17/19
to eman2-de...@googlegroups.com


Begin forwarded message:

From: paul penczek <pawe...@outlook.com>
Date: June 17, 2019 at 1:20:07 PM CDT
To: paul penczek <pawe...@outlook.com>
Subject: Failing!


it fails on Mac due to a missing file, please see log file attached.

Pawel A. Penczek, Ph.D.
Structural Biology Imaging Center, co-Director
The University of Texas
phone: 713-500-5416
fax: 713-500-0652

Begin forwarded message:

From: "eman-bot (mac)" <eman....@gmail.com>
Subject: [JenkinsCI/Mac] (master - da6fd1e) #1900 - Still Failing!
Date: June 17, 2019 at 11:20:36 AM CDT


Build URL:
Project: Mac
Date of build: Mon, 17 Jun 2019 16:17:21 +0000
Build duration: 3 min 15 sec and counting


  Revision  by pawelpap: (t (<a href='https://github.com/cryoem/eman2.git/commit/da6fd1ea22faa13a631701f24f3fc66a58333dcc'>commit: da6fd1e</a>))

change: edit libEM/sparx/util_sparx.cpp


[...truncated 2045 lines...]

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.376Z] test transform projection use .................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.376Z] test Dict class .................................. ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.376Z] test None as EMObject ............................ ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.376Z] test point and Size class ........................ ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.376Z] test em2numpy .................................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.376Z] test em2numpy again .............................. ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.376Z] test emobject .................................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.376Z] test emobject to Python type ..................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.376Z] test map ......................................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.376Z] test numpy2em .................................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.376Z] test numpy2em for float64 ........................ ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.376Z] test vector and point size ....................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.376Z] test vector ...................................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.376Z] test get_all_attributes function ................. ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.376Z] test get_datatype_string function ................ ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.376Z] test get_euler_names ............................. ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test get_image_count function .................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test get_image_ext_type function ................. ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test get_image_type function ..................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test get_imagetype_name function ................. ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test is_complex_type function .................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test is_same_ctf function ........................ ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test is_same_size function ....................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test read/write single attribute from/to HDF5 file ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test agauss() function ........................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test angle_sub_2pi() function .................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test angle_sub_pi() function ..................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test bilinear_interpolate() function ............. ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test calc_best_fft_size() funciton ............... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test change_filename_ext() function .............. ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test eman_copysign() function .................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test eman_erfc() function ........................ ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test fast_floor() function ....................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test get_filename_ext() function ................. ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test get_frand() function ........................ ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test get_gauss_rand() function ................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test get_time_label() function ................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test hypot3() function ........................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test int2str() function .......................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test is_file_exist() function .................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test max() function .............................. ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test min() function .............................. ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test remove_filename_ext() function .............. ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test round() function ............................ ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test sbasename() function ........................ ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test the set_randnum_seed() function ............. ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test square() function ........................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test square_sum() function ....................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test sstrcmp() function .......................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test trilinear_interpolate() function ............ ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test as_list() function .......................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test c++ vector to Python list ................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test supply Pyhton list/tuple as c++ vector ...... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test integer vector functions .................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test float vector functions ...................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test vector transform operation .................. ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test get_size() function ......................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test get_x() function ............................ ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test get_xlist() function ........................ ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test XYData.Pair class ........................... ... ok

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] test read/write file ............................. ... ok


[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] ======================================================================

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] ERROR: test ignore negative index for jpeg ..............

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] ----------------------------------------------------------------------

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] Traceback (most recent call last):

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z]   File "/Users/eman/macosx-slave/workspace/Mac/rt/pyem/test_imageio.py", line 207, in test_write_jpeg

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z]     os.unlink(filename)

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testimage.jpeg'


[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] ----------------------------------------------------------------------

[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] Ran 367 tests in 15.843s


[2019-06-17T16:20:34.645Z] FAILED (errors=1)

[Pipeline] }

[Pipeline] // stage

[Pipeline] stage

[Pipeline] { (build-recipe)

Stage "build-recipe" skipped due to earlier failure(s)

[Pipeline] }

[Pipeline] // stage

[Pipeline] stage

[Pipeline] { (package)

Stage "package" skipped due to earlier failure(s)

[Pipeline] }

[Pipeline] // stage

[Pipeline] stage

[Pipeline] { (test-package)

Stage "test-package" skipped due to earlier failure(s)

[Pipeline] }

[Pipeline] // stage

[Pipeline] stage

[Pipeline] { (deploy)

Stage "deploy" skipped due to earlier failure(s)

[Pipeline] }

[Pipeline] // stage

[Pipeline] stage

[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)

[Pipeline] emailext


shadow walker

Jun 17, 2019, 11:23:51 PM6/17/19
to eman2-de...@googlegroups.com
The failing test was disabled and a todo item was files under GitHub issues, https://github.com/cryoem/eman2/issues/399.

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