Summer Resolutions - E-Mail Ministry

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E-Mail Ministry

Jun 21, 2021, 6:22:26 PM6/21/21
to E-Mail Ministry Google Groups

The following is an E-Mail Ministry message. 


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How about SUMMER Resolutions?

(After 6 months of not keeping the new year's ones)


Give up complaining . . . focus on gratitude.

Give up pessimism . . . become an optimist.

Give up harsh judgments . . . think kind thoughts.

Give up worry . . . trust divine providence.

Give up discouragement . . . be full of hope.

Give up bitterness . . . turn to forgiveness.

Give up hatred . . . return good for evil.

Give up negativism . . . be positive.

Give up anger . . . practice patience.

Give up pettiness . . . put on maturity.

Give up gloom. . . enjoy the beauty that is all around you.

Give up jealousy . . . pray for trust.

Give up gossiping . . . control your tongue.

Give up sin. . . . turn to virtue.


Thought for the Day:

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to



-- Author Unknown




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-- Doug Boebinger

-- The entire Staff of E-Mail Ministry

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