Seeking better mailing list hosting

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Joe Brenner

Sep 20, 2009, 3:06:06 PM9/20/09
to emacs-perl-intersection

In addition to google groups other drawbacks, it would appear that
the spambots have defeated it's captcha system...

Myself, I was ready to give up on it because it appears that signing
up via email is broken.

When I get a chance, I'm going to look into moving this list
elsewhere. Hopefully there are no objections to automatically
re-subscribing the people who are signed up at present.


Sep 20, 2009, 3:36:21 PM9/20/09
to Joe Brenner, emacs-perl-intersection
Hi Joe

as long as it's only one spammer IMHO it doesn't worth it.

You can't be sure if it just was a human and not a bot.

And as long as this group is still mainly fed by the two of us, better don't bother... :-)

I was mailing with Sean about sepia bugs and I have the impression he's simply very busy at the moment...

BTW: thx for

I wrote my first *real* elisp-code (more than just cut/paste and modify) 8)

2009/9/20 Joe Brenner <>

Joe Brenner

Sep 20, 2009, 3:58:48 PM9/20/09
to LanX, emacs-perl-intersection

LanX <> wrote:

> as long as it's only one spammer IMHO it doesn't worth it.

Like I said, it's not the only problem. GG is supposed to have
a full email interface, but it doesn't work. I'm smelling a
neglected project by the rather over-extended googlers.

> You can't be sure if it just was a human and not a bot.

Yeah, when I get around to it, I'll report 'em and see if that
particular problem goes away.

> And as long as this group is still mainly fed by the two of us, better don't
> bother... :-)

*Sssh* We need the illusion of a thriving list to get this thing going.
Many people have told me how much they like the idea of
this list, they just haven't gotten around to posting here.

There should be some more content from me soon... (I've been busy
revising perlnow.el, and before that I was working on Emacs::Run
again, and I really need to get this out of my system and get back
to Real Work).

> I was mailing with Sean about sepia bugs and I have the impression he's
> simply very busy at the moment...

It happens. He did chime in over at the emacswiki with some hints on
how to use sepia, I just haven't gotten around to playing with them.
That's another thing on the list of things to do, declare another
virtual meeting of the sepia user's group.

Then there's Perlysense. And ecb and CEDET and so on...
And there's that PDE bundle on CPAN...

> BTW: thx for
> I wrote my first *real* elisp-code (more than just cut/paste and modify) 8)

Cool. It's probably most useful (in it's present form) for beginners
(though it is suprising how often I refer back to it).

It's the kind of thing that could be turned into a wiki and expanded
nearly without end.

Some time soon I'd like to add some data-structure manipulation
examples to it.


Oct 11, 2009, 3:36:00 PM10/11/09
to emacs-perl-intersection
Hi Joe

> > You can't be sure if it just was a human and not a bot.
> Yeah, when I get around to it, I'll report 'em and see if that
> particular problem goes away.

I was playing around with the possible settings of google groups, two

1. In "Access" you can set up that messages of new members have to be
moderated. Like this you can block out the spammers.

2. If you decide to switch to another mailserver, like e.g.
perlmonger's , you can make GG still mirror all messages from the new
hoster ,,, like this you won't loose any subscribers while migrating.

hope it helps!

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