unread,Jan 3, 2012, 3:50:29 AM1/3/12Sign in to reply to author
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to Rails On Emacs
Hi there!
I'd like to be able to fix it myself, but I don't understand emacs
The problem i am facing is: I am using show-paren mode (great to spot
missing parens), but in .html.erb files, it's usually broken.
If you have this content in your .erb:
<%= render :partial => "test" %>
show-paren thinks that the first '>' character closes the first '<'.
Therefore, with the cursor in the last '>' character, emacs thinks
there's too many '>', and show-paren displays red as an error.
Is there a way to "fix" this?
Thanks a lot for rinari, it's great for using Rails and Emacs.