Nick Payne
unread,Sep 7, 2012, 8:48:41 PM9/7/12Sign in to reply to author
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I'm running Eclipse 4.2.0 and Elysium on Linux Mint
13 amd64. Java version is Oracle Java 1.7.0_07-b10.
I just created a new LilyPond project in an existing folder containing
four ly files totalling about eight or ten pages of music. No subfolders
under this folder. After I clicked "Finish" in the new project dialog, I
could get no response from Eclipse. I started system monitor to see what
was going on and found that Java was using all four CPUs at over 90%.
After about a minute of this, Eclipse puts up an error dialog saying:
"An internal error occurred during: Building workspace. GC overhead
limit exceeded". After I ok that dialog, I get another saying that an
out of memory error has occurred and do I want to exit the workbench.
I already have -Xmx1g in eclipse.ini. Should I increase this - the
machine has 12Gb of physical RAM, and I notice that after starting
Eclipse without any project open, java is already using almost 0.5Gb of RAM.