Judicial Watch Calls on FEC to Investigate Elton John's Fundraising Concert

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Robson Vianna

Apr 15, 2008, 6:55:20 PM4/15/08
to eltonjohns...@yahoogrupos.com.br, eltonjohncorporat...@yahoogroups.com, eltonjohncorporat...@yahoogroups.com, eltonjohns...@googlegroups.com


Elton John loves 'Family Fortunes'

Tuesday, April 15 2008, 12:11 BST

By Alex Fletcher, Entertainment Reporter

Les Dennis has claimed that Elton John is a huge fan of the game show Family Fortunes.

According to Dennis, the singer admitted that he often imitates the show's "uh uh" buzzer noise when anything goes wrong at his home.

The former presenter said that he was approached by the veteran popstar while on a flight to America with his ex-wife Amanda Holden.

He told Heart radio: "Elton and David Furnish were up front and behind me was George Michael and Kenny Goss.

"I was sat there with Amanda and about and hour in, David Furnish stood up and stretched, looked back and then whispered something to Elton and I thought, 'He's not talking about George being here' he's actually saying 'That bloke from Family Fortunes is behind us!'

"Then about five minutes later, Elton came down and went 'Hi, we love your show. If anything goes wrong in our house we go 'uh uh'!'"

He also revealed that Spice Girls Victoria Beckham and Emma Bunton once approached him about appearing on a celebrity version of the show


FEC Asked to Investigate Fundraising Concert for Hillary Clinton
By Susan Jones
CNSNews.com Senior Editor
April 15, 2008

(CNSNews.com) - A government watchdog group wants the Federal Election Commission to investigate Elton John's fund-raising concert on behalf of Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

"Recent news reports suggest that Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton for President have accepted an in-kind contribution from a foreign national, Sir Elton John, in contravention of federal election laws," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton wrote in an April 14 letter to the Office of the General Counsel for the FEC.

"On behalf of Judicial Watch and its supporters, I hereby request that the FEC investigate this matter." The group filed a formal complaint on Monday.

Judicial Watch, a public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, noted that Sir Elton John is not a citizen of the United States and is therefore prohibited by federal law from making any contribution to Sen. Clinton's presidential campaign.

"I've always been a Hillary supporter," Elton John told the audience at Radio City Music Hall in New York. "There is no one more qualified to lead America," he said. He described the Clintons as "true, loyal friends," said he loved them "dearly," and added that "Hillary should be the next President of the United States."

At one point, the British singer criticized the "misogynistic attitudes" of some Americans: "And I say to hell with them... I love you Hillary. I'll be there for you."

In a pre-concert press release issued by the Clinton campaign, Elton John was quoted as saying, "I'm excited to support Hillary by performing at what will be a truly memorable night." The singer also sent out a mass email -- through the Clinton campaign -- announcing the concert and soliciting support, Judicial Watch said.

The concert, which took place on April 9, 2008, raised more than $2.5 million (from the sale of 5,000 tickets) for Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton for President.

Under federal law governing "contributions and donations by foreign nationals," it is illegal for any foreign national to "make a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value...in connection with a Federal, State or local election."

"It looks as if Elton John, a foreign national, gave a valuable, in-kind contribution to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, which is prohibited by law. The FEC and other authorities need to take appropriate action and investigate Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and Elton John," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton
Apr 14, 2008 16:44
Judicial Watch Calls on FEC to Investigate Elton John's Fundraising Concert on Behalf of Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign
"Sir Elton John Is Not a Citizen of the United States and Is Therefore Prohibited From Making Any Contribution to Senator Clinton's Presidential Campaign," Said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton

WASHINGTON, DC--(Marketwire - April 14, 2008) - Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it filed a formal complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) related to a fundraising concert by musician Sir Elton John on behalf of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. Elton John, a foreign national, is prohibited by federal law from making any contribution to a federal, state or local election campaign.

"Recent news reports suggest that Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton for President have accepted an in-kind contribution from a foreign national, Sir Elton John, in contravention of federal electon laws," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton stated in an April 14 letter to the Office of the General Counsel for the FEC. "On behalf of Judicial Watch and its supporters, I hereby request that the FEC investigate this matter."

According to a press release issued by the Clinton campaign, the expressed intent of the concert was to raise funds for Hillary's campaign for president. In the release, Elton John is quoted as saying, "I'm excited to support Hillary by performing at what will be a truly memorable night."

Press reports also show that Sir Elton John, on March 17, 2008, through the Clinton campaign, sent out a mass email announcing the concert and soliciting support. The Elton John concert took place on April 9, 2008 and raised more than $2.5 million (from the sale of 5,000 tickets) for Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton for President.

However, according to 2 U.S.C. § 441e, "Contributions and donations by foreign nationals," it is illegal for any foreign national to "make a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value... in connection with a Federal, State or local election." The Washington Times reported March 27, 2008, that a "1981 FEC decision prohibited a foreign national artist from donating his services in connection with fundraising for a U.S. Senate campaign."

"It looks as if Elton John, a foreign national, gave a valuable, in-kind contribution to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, which is prohibited by law. The FEC and other authorities need to take appropriate action and investigate Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and Elton John," stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

To read Judicial Watch's FEC complaint in its entirety, please see highlighted link.


Amazing Music, Extraordinary Luck

Sir Elton, Up Close and Personal



When Elton John first came to Missoula last September I had a myriad of excuses for missing the show – too expensive, too far, too much hassle – but I was plagued by a nagging sense of regret after missing it. For my boyfriend a similar regret has haunted him since high school when he turned down the opportunity to see Sir Elton and Billy Joel performing together in his hometown of Memphis. So when we found out Elton was coming back just six months later for seconds, the decision to buy tickets was easy.

But last week I was beginning to doubt that choice. As I hustled to get my work done a little early on Friday, drove through slow construction in Pablo and ate a grocery store dinner (half of which I ended up giving to a homeless man on the UM campus pedestrian bridge), it all seemed like a hassle. As I stood in line outside the Adams center before the concert, watching hordes of middle-aged women dressed in boas and sparkly sunglasses chat excitedly, I kept telling myself it would be worth it.

Oh, and it was.

As we went through the security line, a man reached over the rope and tapped my boyfriend on the shoulder. "Can I talk to you when you get through the line?" he asked. I thought we were going to be kicked out. Instead, after asking several questions assessing our Elton fanaticism, the man, a member of Elton's staff, nonchalantly handed us two front row center tickets. I was so surprised I'm not even sure if I said thank you.

You couldn't hit a golf ball from our new seats, right in front of the piano, to where our original seats were located – six rows from the rafters. But, as my boyfriend said, we could have spit on Elton John. (We didn't.)

Even without the lucky seat change, the concert was amazing, and it exceeded any of my original expectations. While I realized that Elton has several rock tunes, I'd always associated him with crooning ballads. The rockin' atmosphere, especially from older musicians, blew me away.

I think Missoulian reporter Jamie Kelly got it right in his review: "John stormed through his repertoire of songs, spanning nearly four decades of music. And never once did the music seem cheap, forced or hackneyed. At some level, I anticipated a Vegas-style letdown, watching some old performer far past his prime give me some "My Way" schmaltz straight out of the geriatric playbook. Nope. Smoking piano solos. Authenticity. World class, just like the musician."

Elton John, in my mind, is part of an elite group of musicians – those that transcend generations, and without theatrics or fireworks can repeatedly awe you with unworldly musical talent. True superstars. I had the same feeling after watching a Tom Petty concert in high school. Friday night it didn't matter that Elton's first international hit came 14 years before I was even born. I left in awe. After all, I'd just experienced one of the world's best musicians and one of the luckiest nights in my life.



Elton John Performs at Clinton Fundraiser; Ashlee Simpson Announces Engagement


By Mary Morningstar
14 April 2008

Elton John hugs Hillary Rodham Clinton during fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall, 09 Apr 2008
Elton John hugs Hillary Rodham Clinton during fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall, 09 Apr 2008

9, Elton John performed a concert at New York's Radio City Music Hall to raise money for Senator Hilary Clinton's presidential campaign. The show brought in $2.5 million. Last October, Senator Clinton celebrated her 60th birthday with a fundraising concert at New York's Beacon Theater. Performers included the Wallflowers, Elvis Costello and actor/comedian Billy Crystal. That event raised more than $1.5 million for her campaign.

Robson Vianna.
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