Elton John to play in Auckland

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Robson Vianna

Apr 9, 2008, 8:49:08 AM4/9/08
to eltonjohns...@yahoogrupos.com.br, eltonjohncorporat...@yahoogroups.com, eltonjohncorporat...@yahoogroups.com, eltonjohns...@googlegroups.com


Elton John to play in Auckland

Wed, 09 Apr 2008 09:45a.m.
Elton John Elton John

Sir Elton John will play his third New Zealand concert in 18 months when he performs in Auckland next month for the first time in 10 years.

Promoter Phil Sprey said John would play at the New Vector Arena on May 14 with his full band, interrupting his lightning tour of Australia for the one-off Auckland concert.

John performed in Wellington at the end of 2006 and in New Plymouth last December.



Ticket rush fans interest in Elton





EARLY BIRDS: People lined up from 6am for Elton John tickets at the Darwin Entertainment Centre.  PICTURE: Justin Sanson

EARLY BIRDS: People lined up from 6am for Elton John tickets at the Darwin Entertainment Centre. PICTURE: Justin Sanson

MORE than 200 people queued around the foyer and up the stairs at the Darwin Entertainment Centre yesterday for tickets to Elton John's Top End show.

Some punters had folding chairs and did shifts in line while others buried their head in a book.

Organisers said more than 8000 tickets had been sold by last night.

First in line at the entertainment centre were mother and daughter Jan and Jo Mooney, of Malak, who started to queue at 5.55am and were overjoyed to score two $275 "platinum'' tickets in front of the stage.

"We'd been at the airport at five dropping off people so we came straight here,'' Jan, 49, said.
Not fanatical Sir Elton fans, they were happy to spend their hard-earned for seats in row G for the May 17 TIO Stadium show.

"We just wanted to see a show in Darwin,'' Jo, 27, said.

"If you're going to go, you might as well go properly.''

But ticketing problems saw some punters unable to buy the tickets they wanted despite queueing for hours.
And some fans were told silver section tickets had sold out _ when they had not.

Martin Gore joined the queue shortly after 6am and was fourth in line. But when he got to the front at 10.15am he was told the two platinum tickets he wanted were no longer available.

But when the Northern Territory News tried to buy two platinum tickets over the internet at 11.20am, they were readily available.

Mr Gore was not too distressed.

"He's up on stage -- they've got big screens,'' he said.

"It's not just a rock concert -- it's an event. There has only been a handful of performers of this calibre in Darwin.''
Many people who registered their interest online bought their tickets in an early release last week. Ticket sales were handled through a connection to national company Ticketek.

It is understood a large corporate client has decided to release a group of tickets it was holding.

About 15,000 tickets will be available for Sir Elton's concert.

Princess Diana Inquest Latest: Sir Elton John To Write Another New Song

Written by Monkey Woods
Story written: 08 April 2008
image for Princess Diana Inquest Latest: Sir Elton John To Write Another New Song
Sir Elton and a Fag Hag yesterday

Sir Elton John, the Official Songwriting Genius to Her Majesty the Queen, has today announced that he is to write another new song to commemorate the end of the Princess Diana Murder Inquest, which finished yesterday - well, kind of.

Princess Diana and her lover Dodi Al-Fayed were, said the inquiry, Unlawfully Killed, as opposed to being Lawfully Killed. This was an important legal point, I assume.

Sir Elton, who has been out of the news for a while, was sitting in the court when the verdict was announced, and let out a huge cry of relief. At least, that's what it sounded like.

The bisexual singer has campaigned tirelessly on behalf of the accused Royal parties, and vowed, on the spot, to come up with another tuneful ditty, which is expected to be a summertime no.1 chart hit. His last effort, Goodbye England's Rose sold more than 10 million copies, but these are now mainly used as coasters in living rooms the length and breadth of Great Britain.



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Robson Vianna.
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