Elton John’s SA kids

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Robson Vianna

Mar 27, 2008, 8:36:43 AM3/27/08
to eltonjohns...@yahoogrupos.com.br, eltonjohncorporat...@yahoogroups.com, eltonjohncorporat...@yahoogroups.com, eltonjohns...@googlegroups.com
Elton John's SA kids
Published:Mar 27, 2008

HELLO THE FUTURE: At the Elton John Masibambisane Centre children get a second chance to shape their lives

This as a place where children can break out of difficult situations at home
Orphans and other vulnerable children are made to feel loved and at home here, writes Nomfundo Xulu

It is heart-warming to know that children infected with or affected by HIV-Aids have a place where they can feel at home.

One gets the feeling that the Elton John Masibambisane Centre for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children is just such a place.

The centre, in the southern Johannesburg suburb of Eldorado Park, was founded by Sir Elton in 2003 as part of the British singer's Aids Foundation initiative in South Africa .

It cares for more than 200 children on a daily basis and houses a nursery school for pre-school children.

"We provide after-care and a nursery school for the children," says Mahlako Kotsi the centre's project coordinator.

"We regard this as a place where the children can break out of their home situations, which are normally very difficult for them. So they go to their schools from their homes, which are predominantly in Kliptown, Joe Slovo, Eldorado Park and surrounding areas.

"After school, they come here for a nutritious meal and some sporting activities. They have homework supervision by our volunteers, who ensure that the children are coping with and understanding their school work.

"We also have a curriculum of our own, so the children have life skills classes in which we teach them how to look after themselves, especially the teenagers, who are now entering a period of their lives that might lead them to doing all the wrong things if they are not warned and taught of the dangers associated with this stage of their lives," Kotsi said.

As Kotsi talks, six boys walk into her office and head for a room at the back where they want to leave their soccer kit.

"Boys, please go and change on the other side; we are busy here," said Kotsi, like any mother would to her children.

The boys discuss who will be in whose soccer side, and a strategy for their game against a neighbouring NGO's team.

Kotsi said that because most of the children are from families that are headed by elderly people who have lost their children to HIV and Aids, the centre has to offer other forms of support to families.

"We offer monthly groceries to the families of our children because not only are they predominantly elderly, unable to work and survive on government grants, some of them do not even have identity documents because they are from countries such as Lesotho."

It is for that very reason — the less than desirable living conditions of the children at home — that many children end up at the centre.

"We find that because our children have lost moms, dads and other close family members to HIV- Aids they have a lot of problems, such as anger and confusion.

"We therefore also offer counselling and anger management classes.

"We try our best to make sure that the children love themselves and feel that they deserve to be loved, and that they love each other as a family."

The family factor that Kotsi makes reference to is visible during a tour of the centre. Teenage girls are sitting in the hall watching television and one of them has a nursery school child wrapped tightly in her arms.

Words cannot express how I feel, seeing this kind of bond between children who are all victims of circumstance but see a bright future ahead of them.

For the first time, the Elton John Masibambisane Centre for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children has two children who are in matric.

"We wish them well and know that, with the support of our big family, they will prosper," Kotsi said.

For more information about the centre visit http://www.myggsa.co.za/connect/receivers/johannesburg_child_welfare_society_jcws/.

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Give to Hillary Clinton and hang with Elton John

The Hillary Clinton campaign, not surprisingly, was way ahead of us -- at least on the money front.


Even as we were taking note of two schemes cooked up by the Barack Obama and John McCain staffs to generate some extra bucks as Monday's end of the first-quarter fundraising period nears -- and wondering what the Clinton crew was up to -- she had sent out an e-mail with the subject line: "You, Me, and Elton John."

Folks who write a check for her candidacy, the missive went on, will have a chance to be among two contributors picked to attend a solo concert by John to help Clinton's campaign coffers on April 9 in New York.

Promises Clinton in the e-mail: "We will have a chance to talk just you and I -- and you will get to meet Elton John at the party we're throwing afterwards. It's going to be a great night."

To help live up to that latter pledge, Clinton -- who often jokes that her sing-along abilities leave a lot to be desired -- offers the assurance that, "In the interest of harmony -- and melody -- I promise you there won't be any duets" featuring her and Sir Elton.

-- Don Frederick


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Elton John - © ddp
Elton John - © ddp
2008-03-26 08:26:31 -

Scottish singer LULU was so determined to stand out at ELTON JOHN's wedding she asked the star to call all of his other guests and find out what they were planning on wearing.
The Shout hitmaker was invited to Elton's 2005 civil partnership ceremony where he married longterm love David Furnish, but was terrified of spending a lot of money on an outfit in case another celebrity turned up wearing the same dress.
So the resourceful star asked the Rocket Man to get in touch with all of his guests to make sure her chosen frock would be unique. She says, "When Elton and David got married, I wore (an outfit by fashion designer) Alexander McQueen, but I said to them: 'If I'm going to spend this much money on a dress, I have to know that no one else will be wearing it.' "So, they found out what everyone else was wearing for me." And Lulu insists her fears were well-founded as she had previously experienced a dreaded fashion blunder.
She adds, "Once, I turned up to an Ivor Novello lunch and Trudie Styler and I were wearing the same dress. Sting kept coming up to behind me and pretending that I was his wife."


Chelsea getting big play


Former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton will appear tonight with her mom at a D.C. fundraiser, and she sent supporters an e-mail today touting the campaign's contest to win tickets for the Elton John concert.

When I heard that Elton John was throwing a concert in New York for my mom's campaign, I knew it was going to be a night I didn't want to miss.

Want to join me there?

My mom's campaign is bringing two supporters and their guests to New York on April 9 for both Elton John's one-night-only concert and the party after the concert. It's going to be a great night and a great time.

It's such an important time to support my mom's campaign. There are big contests coming up, starting with Pennsylvania, and I know she can win with your support. She's working so hard out on the campaign trail, and I know that your support makes a real difference to her and this campaign.

Enter now and you might join me, my mom, and Elton John for his one-night-only concert in New York on April 9. Make a contribution today.

I talk to a lot of people who are excited to see my mom win and be the president we all need -- and who are working hard to help make that happen. It means so much to me to know that there are so many people like you who believe in my mom and are working to help her win. I know that she'll be such a great president and she will win, but not without all our help. And what better time to help than right now?

Please contribute today. Enter and you might be joining me, my mom, and Elton John for a concert in New York!

I'm so grateful for everything you're doing to help my mom win!

Thank you!

Elton John: Sänger unterstützt Hillary Clinton

"Elton and Hillary - Only for one Night" heißt der Abend in New York, bei dem am 9. April kräftig Wahlkampfspenden fließen sollen.

Bittet zum Spendensammler-Konzert: Elton John.
New York (moe) - Viele US-Stars und -Sternchen unterstützen ihren - vornehmlich demokratischen - Favoriten bei den Vorwahlen zur Präsidentschaft. Nachdem sich viele Künstler und Schauspieler für Barack Obama aussprachen, greift nun ein Brite zugunsten seiner Konkurrentin Hillary Clinton ein: Elton John gibt für die ehemalige First Lady ein Konzert in New York.

Tickets für "Elton and Hillary - Only for one Night" in der Radio City Music Hall sind frei erhältlich, erfordern aber eine dicke Geldbörse. So kosten die billigsten Tickets satte 125 Dollar, während die teureren Karten ab 205 Dollar erhältlich sind. Wer mehr berappt, kommt in Genuss, den Sänger am 9. April aus nächster Nähe zu sehen.

"Ich bin kein Politiker, aber ich glaube an die Arbeit, die Hillary Clinton macht", zitiert der Spiegel Elton John. Damit steht der Brite nicht alleine. So schwadronierte auch Schauspieler Jack Nicholson kürzlich in einem Mischmasch seiner alten Filme, über die Führungsqualitäten der Dame:

Elton John will mit dem Event nun helfen, Hillarys Kriegskasse zu füllen. Bis dato läuft die Spendenakquise bei Obama besser: Er kann rund eine Million Dollar pro Tag verbuchen, während Clinton mit der Hälfte auskommen muss.

Bereits anlässlich ihres 60. Geburtstags hatte Hillary einige Promis hinter sich. Bei der Veranstaltung im Oktober 2007 lud die sie ins New Yorker Beacon Theater zur Fundraiser-Party ein. Damals tummelten sich Stars wie Billy Crystal und Elvis Costello. Am Ende des Abends hatte die Politikerin immerhin anderthalb Millionen Dollar eingenommen.



John in Singapore


AFTER the much-hyped The Police gig drew a bumper crowd and smashed box-office records in Singapore in February, another big name hits the island nation.

On May 7, legendary Sir Elton John and his band will play in Singapore as part of The Rocket Man tour at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. Regional promoter Live Nation presents the concert and tickets will go on sale tomorrow.

The flamboyant John will be performing with his long-time band, Davey Johnstone (guitars, mandolin, vocals), Guy Babylon (keyboards), Robert Birch (bass, vocals), John Mahon (percussion, drums, vocals) and Nigel Olsson (drums, vocals).

The extraordinary career of John has spanned more than three decades and he has sold more than 200 million records worldwide, making him one of the most popular British artistes of all time.

On this tour, John heads out on the "greatest hits" spin around the globe and his numerous classics include Your Song, Rocket Man, Crocodile Rock, Daniel, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Candle in the Wind, Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me, Philadelphia Freedom, Tiny Dancer and Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word.

The release of Rocket Man compilation last year also marked a huge anniversary for John – on March 25, 2007, he celebrated his 60th birthday while breaking his own record with an unmatched 60th concert at the legendary Madison Square Garden in New York. No other entertainer has come close to matching this record.

The superstar has also won numerous awards which include the best British male artiste Brit award 1991, inducted into Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame (1994), five Grammy awards (1986-2000), Grammy Legend award (2001), and 11 Ivor Novello awards (1973-2000). John's The Rocket Man tour starts at 8pm on May 7 at Singapore Indoor Stadium.

Tickets prices are from S$98 (RM225.40) to S$348 (RM800.40) and can be booked at www.sistic.com.sg or call Sistic hotline at 02-6348 5555.


Robson Vianna.
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