Newbie having connection trouble

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Kenneth Britten

Apr 13, 2024, 11:54:42 PM4/13/24
to Elno
I'm configuring a JemRF to run a single switch. I think I followed the instructions, and the same token displays on my account and on the device interface. Yet the status remains "PEP not connected". Someone on the other group said they had a similar problem from the wifi settings being wrong, but didn't specify what was wrong. I am using a Chinese 4G cell router with T-mobile service for my WAN, and it works for browsing, but I wonder if there aren't settings I need to tweak for the JemRF connection. Any help is welcome.

Apr 15, 2024, 10:52:42 PM4/15/24
to Elno
We are sorry you are experiencing some difficulties.
A common issue with the WiFi Controlled Relay is with the token. 
The token can look correct however there can be a blank space at the beginning or end of the token that will cause it to fail.
Please check the token on the Setup tab for a blank space.
We are working on a future release to prevent this from happening.

If that does not resolve your issue, please contact

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